I'm looking to buy a G4 that will be used with T-Mobile and maybe AT&T. I don't want any bloat or carrier crap on the phone. I checked Amazon but it looks like all the unlocked phones are international versions with no warranty.
Where is the best place the buy a G4? Are the ones that the...
WhatsApp now has a desktop client usable through Chrome which is, supposedly, usable on a tablet too (in Chrome desktop mode). Some people say they got it to work. I have been unable.
I was able to scan the QR code with my phone...
Anyone here have a Tab 4 (4.4.2)in addition to their S4(4.2.2)? Why is trying to share files between the two devices so darn difficult? Both are rooted.
The S4 has S-beam but it doesn't seem to work with the Tab 4. The Tab 4 has "Connect and Share" but the S4 doesn't show up as a nearby...
Don't know what you are using to clean the contacts, but I would try DeoxIt before trying anything pricey. The stuff has fixed many problems for me in the electronics world. I would use it on the lens contacts, camera contacts and flash contacts.
If the DeoxIt doesn't work then it sounds...
Is there a way to display the length of a phone call in the stock dialer? It shows the time of the call but not how long the call was. If there isn't a way to do it with the stock dialer...is there another option for a phone dialer? I'm rooted. Thanks.
I use a Kinivo BTC450 bluetooth adapter that allows me to play music (or make phone) calls through my car stereo over BT. It works great. I have three of these...one for each vehicle.
When I get in any of the vehicles and press the big button on the Kinivo, music starts to play...
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