I'm looking to buy a G4 that will be used with T-Mobile and maybe AT&T. I don't want any bloat or carrier crap on the phone. I checked Amazon but it looks like all the unlocked phones are international versions with no warranty.
Where is the best place the buy a G4? Are the ones that the...
WhatsApp now has a desktop client usable through Chrome which is, supposedly, usable on a tablet too (in Chrome desktop mode). Some people say they got it to work. I have been unable.
I was able to scan the QR code with my phone...
Anyone here have a Tab 4 (4.4.2)in addition to their S4(4.2.2)? Why is trying to share files between the two devices so darn difficult? Both are rooted.
The S4 has S-beam but it doesn't seem to work with the Tab 4. The Tab 4 has "Connect and Share" but the S4 doesn't show up as a nearby...
Don't know what you are using to clean the contacts, but I would try DeoxIt before trying anything pricey. The stuff has fixed many problems for me in the electronics world. I would use it on the lens contacts, camera contacts and flash contacts.
If the DeoxIt doesn't work then it sounds...
Is there a way to display the length of a phone call in the stock dialer? It shows the time of the call but not how long the call was. If there isn't a way to do it with the stock dialer...is there another option for a phone dialer? I'm rooted. Thanks.
I use a Kinivo BTC450 bluetooth adapter that allows me to play music (or make phone) calls through my car stereo over BT. It works great. I have three of these...one for each vehicle.
When I get in any of the vehicles and press the big button on the Kinivo, music starts to play...
If you dial *#0*# into the phone dialer, a built-in factory test app comes up where you can get raw data from the sensors and test a bunch of stuff. Never heard of this until I came across it in another forum.
Handy to keep in your hip pocket. Maybe this will help someone. Here is...
I installed the NottachXposed Mod on my Sprint G4 and it works great. It says for AT&T only but I haven't had any issues (others on XDA have also reported success on Sprint). Am using on the stock ROM and it offers A LOT of features that should have been included in the stock ROM. I got it...
Rooted, stock ROM. Got a notification this morning about the System Update being downloaded and it's ready to install. I don't want to install it but the notification is stuck up there. How can I deny/remove this notification and prevent it from installing? I would rather maintain root than...
Using v3.0.4 of ES File Explorer and am rooted (stock ROM). When I select 'Root Explorer' I get a 'Test Failed. Can't use this feature on this phone.' SU access has been granted. I can explore the system files but can't modify anything.
I tried rebooting, reloading the app and clearing...
I'm running Samba so I can browse/move files on my phone from my computer. Everything works and I can see the phone on my network and move files/back and forth but I cannot seem to access or find the SD card. I can only access the S4's internal memory. I'm rooted but all is stock. Using a...
When using Chrome, "Samsung Mobile Bookmarks" would always be the default and it is full of crap and it can't be deleted or altered. More bloat shoved down our throats.
Anyway, I think I found the solution to removing it and I haven't had any issues yet. Go to Settings>More>Application...
I could not send out any MMS text messages (photo attachment). I could receive them ok. Then, I turned WiFi off and it worked. I turned WiFi back on and it didn't work. I use Sprint.
Any ideas before I give Sprint a call?
On another note. When I try to search for "MMS" in this forum...
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