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Help I want to know how to improve my temperament.

Terry Dai

I have a hunchback.

And it's not pretty.

How can I find confidence?

I want to know how to improve my temperament.
I think you might be OT in this forum. Which is mainly about Android powered fitness tech products.

IANAD, and the only thing I know about a hunchback was called Quasimodo. I don't know what you need, see a doctor, get some counselling, have massages, acupuncture, go to a gym, etc?
I think you might be OT in this forum. Which is mainly about Android powered fitness tech products.

IANAD, and the only thing I know about a hunchback was called Quasimodo. I don't know what you need, see a doctor, get some counselling, have massages, acupuncture, go to a gym, etc?

Thank you for your reply.
I think this Forum is a bit of a cold one.(冷清)
Well your second post could be read as asking why you hadn't had a reply within 2 minutes of posting your question. I don't know whether that was what you meant, or whether you wondered whether there was anyone else here with the same condition? Either way you asked a pretty unusual and complicated question, so it's not going to be easy to answer.

The medical condition you describe is uncommon, there are different causes, and treatment depends on the degree and the cause. It's certainly beyond my capacity to advise on that, though if that is a cause of the problem with confidence I'd certainly try to find out what can be done.

As for your main question, how to improve your temperament means something different from gaining confidence (it implies things like gaining better control of your temper) but I assume that's a linguistic error. I'm no expert in confidence, so can only give bland, general advice like focussing on the things you are good at, on what is likeable about yourself, and not on that aspect of your appearance - in fact try to forget about that as much as possible and just be yourself. And of course I realise that is much easier to say than to do.
wow.. heavy subject !!!
not sure if i can help.

confidence .. is all up to you.
find something you enjoy.. find other that share same ..
you can talk about that subject to get going..
talking about what you like.. should give you confidence.

be happy about .. you
be happy in your own skin.
confidence should come.
and help with temperament

everyone has some issue about their looks that give them pause.
i am bald.. weird eyebrow.. skinny legs..
i am .. what i am.. and i am ok with me.
yeah i'm not one to give out advice about having a hunchback. i'm not the prettiest guy on the block as well. But like everyone here has said, you need to find a way to be comfortable with yourself. once you do that then having confidence in you will come naturally.

i think you need to own your hunchback or whatever you think is your blemish in life. Once you own it, then no one can take it from you. I would be proud of your hunchback. It is what makes you.....you. and from what I can tell....you are special.

the main thing really is to be yourself. don't let the your image of yourself ruin who you really are.

if anything you have us. AF is a great community here. I would say many here are my friends even though i have not met them in real life.
Me either, I am not the prettiest guy in the block either, I am a teddy bear with long limbs my girl does not mind at all. Breathe in deep and forget whatever that was starting your goat either, inside the maintaining of everything around you - try to walk away and become one with whatever you are really understanding even if there is a billion questions running in your own mind.

The main reason is try to figure it out and understand what is bothering you in the first place. If it is something that is starting itself up, try to figure out what you really are aiming at, that is bugging you too. Asking itself to figure out what is really bothering your own.
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