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Images and Files deleting overnight


Apr 28, 2019

On each of the last 3 days I have woken up to find my phone has deleted all images and files.

If I check Gallery all images and videos have gone, if I go into my files and to the relevant folder they are not there either. This includes all downloaded files.
The only way I appear to still be able to see the images is if it's something been sent via WhatsApp going back into the chat and clicking the image to download it again.

I had not downloaded any new apps prior to this. I've tried device maintenance and running scans with no threats found, I've since downloaded AVG on my phone and also got no threats found.

Any suggestions?

Phone Samsung Galaxy s10+
Software Android 9
Please let me know if you need anymore info.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Danny, these can be anything and everything. Photos I've taken on the camera, images sent and received via WhatsApp, files I've downloaded, everything is disappearing each night.
If I check the camera folder its empty, WhatsApp folder has lost all media sent and received, and the same for downloaded files in the downloads folder.
It's definitely not a matter of I'm looking in the wrong sections/folders as this is where they were saved previously. I've also not created any folders of my own and they are all what is created automatically by the phone and/or apps.
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