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Can I disable this texting "helper"?

Auto-correct and other shortcuts may have their place, but I am finding that in my phone's texting app, with Android Oreo running on a Moto G6, the "suggestions" for replying to a text are annoying, and I would like to simply turn them off. I don't see how. Is there a way?

Is there a 'Languages & Input' option in your Settings menu? Things like enabling/disabling auto-correct are often a part of whatever keyboard you're using.
I'm using the native texting app in the G6. I don't want to turn off the basic autocorrect because, unlike the one in MS Word, it is actually helpful. I will try the suggestions above and see if any of them help.

Edit: I found the relevant toggle under Settings, Advanced. So I'm good. No more suggestions. All fixed.
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