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AMR file voice recording playing but no sound (Samsung Galaxy Note 2)


I need help from someone. See, I've recorded an audio with my phone and surely saved it afterwards. Played back and the whole thing seemed muted. I tried recording again and the voice is back. Is there any way or explanation why the previous recording does not contain any sound? Not even background noises? This does not make sense and I feel super frustrated coz the whole recording is important to me..=( Note: - No earphones are attached during recording. -Bluetooth is off while recording - Tried looking some buttons that I might have pressed or muted but there are none. I'd totally appreciate it if there is someone out there who knows how to fix this.. thanks. P.S. I've noticed that the file is saved in amr format. Tried converting but still to no avail.
its an old phone not all things will work when you want it to. not sure if the recorded is recoverable or not.
Thing is, I recorded another recording just after that and it worked just fine. Its mind boggling coz its playing but it just doesnt have any sounds in it. I would accept it if the background noise is there or if the audio came back on the middle of the recording but its total silence.
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