its crazy on how much software plays a role on how a picture will look on phones these days. if you have the time check out these videos by Marques Brownlee
this video says that the photo of the moon taken on your s23 ultra is fake.......crazy
here is the reddit thread talked about in MB's video:
and yet another article thats been translated:
its just crazy stuff.....i am not sure how i feel about it. i guess for me as long as the pictures i take look good who is to tell me otherwise, right?
this video says that the photo of the moon taken on your s23 ultra is fake.......crazy
here is the reddit thread talked about in MB's video:
and yet another article thats been translated:
달 촬영
이서영 [ 목차 ] 1. 달 촬영 개요 2. 달 인식 엔진을 위한 데이터 학습 과정 3. 달 밝기 제어 과정 4. 달 촬영 손떨림 제어 과정 5. 달 디테일 개선 엔진의 학습 과정 6. 달 촬영 과정 [ 달 촬영 개요 ] 갤럭시는 S10부터 카메라에 AI 기술을 적용하여, 사용자가 시간과 장소에 구애받지 않고 최고의 사진을 촬영할 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다. 이를 위해, AI가 찍고자 하는 대상을 인식하여 최적의 결과물을 도출할 수 있도록 도와주는 Scene...
its just crazy stuff.....i am not sure how i feel about it. i guess for me as long as the pictures i take look good who is to tell me otherwise, right?