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How do you Celebrate Christmas 2023???


DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
So X-mas is just around the corner. what are you guys plan? how do you celebrate? or do you? what are you going to be cooking/eating?

on X-mas eve my cousins and other relatives are coming over to my house.....potluck style. i am going to be cooking some pot roast with carrots, potatoes and swiss chard, polenta and mashed potatoes.....not sure what else is going to be brought....that's up to them. for dessert it will be a Marie Calendar apple pie.

and then on xmas day, i am cooking up some cornish game hens for me and my mom. i will have some green beans and potatoes with mushroom gravy.

gonna have to hit that elliptical a lit bit more afterwards......LOL

so what are you guys going to do?
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The whole family gathered at my brother's house yesterday for a full Polish style dinner, consisting of kielbasa, saurkruat, city chicken, pierogi and desserts, followed by imported Polish beer and wine. Today we are having friends over to play games and appetizers and drinks.
Kicking back and relaxing the rest of the weekend, then back to work on Wednesday...
My G/F and I had plans to go to kinfolk for Christmas dinner but she had a fall down accident and has been in the hospital for 4 days now !

We have a tree up and presents under it, we have celebrated Christmas together for the past 3 years.

I have a bone in Cooks ham, black-eyed peas and cabbage to cook for the New Year.
The way we have since I was a kid, at my parent's home. Although most of my family has been dropping like flies lately, RIP.

As for food, there's a lot more vegan options these days, and most of the family has moved past the tradition of a turkey.
Merry Christmas my good friends.
Yeah we had a nice dinner with my Sister's mother-in-law did come over and one of our mutual friends as well, we just ate some pasta fagollie after that, we all went to church in a local town over younder, we did open up our gifts at Christmas evening, just sat around and talk it over with one another though. I am glad I did avoided the bullet of going over with his side of the family, went to see The Boy and Heron with my brother-in-law and my sister, this past Tues.
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