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Google Pixel Deadline—10 Days To Update Or Stop Using Your Phone

Needs to be noted that '.....Or Stop Using Your Phone' headline is NOT an official statement, it;'s just a fear-mongering blurb made by a tech pundit/reporter.
So yes it's about a really nasty, damaging exploit involved but the article is using common gaslighting to make be its point -- the assumption being every exploit out there will always compromise every targeted Pixel phone in use. But if you read through all the required conditionals, Pixels owned and used by consumers are not necessarily targeted. This is apparently a corporate and governmental Pixel phone exploit.
Take into consideration your own personal situation to determine your actual, real-world risk level before 'panicking'.
looks like as long as your phone is up to date you should be fine. the updates that google has put out for its pixel phones as well as updates for the majority of android devices should have this exploit patched up. this is why it is important to always keep your phones up to date.
A buddy just sent me this. It looks like it's a two part fix

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