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Tyreek Hill

You get pulled over, you obey the cops.
Tinted glass? That's even worse because now the officer's life might be in danger.
Wow and the NFL is behind their guy 100%..
Frikken morons.
i'm sorry, but i think the use of force was excessive. cops should always de-escalate a situation.....not escalate it.

and it might be easier for you to say cuz you are not black. i have some black friends who have a huge distrust of the police. they told me that they can easily see themselves in what happen to Tyreek. they said it would have probably been worse because they are not Tyreek. the crapper who pulled him out of the car should have been fired. as well as the crapper who pulled him again to the ground.

it is the same shit that happened to Scotty Scheffler:

why no one really are making a big deal about that? i wonder??????
And your thinking is exactly why the police get a bad rap.
When an officer has no sight of the offender because they deliberately roll up their 100% tinted window, that's when their lives are in danger, Mr ocnbrze.
There are no two ways about it.
Try being the cop and tell me how you would handle that?
Police have been killed point blank in this same situation.
Don't give me your shit.
People, no matter their race, should conduct themselves in a stand down manner during a traffic stop. (Both hands on the wheel, yes sir no sir, eye contact, no sudden movements.. etc.) In a perfect world it would always be how a traffic stop would go down. We live in a far from perfect world. I'm not taking sides but it's easy to see how the Hill incident got out of hand.

I had a friend, a highway patrolman, that had his head blown off during a late night traffic stop back in the late 60's. I immediately ruled out that line of employment for my future.
Ok..... granted on the tint. Maybe that's a reason to pull him out of the car. But then he gets attacked again when he is already handcuffed. That was uncalled for. The whole situation could have been handled way differently in my opinion.

And yeah I am not a big fan of cops. I respect them, but I have seen way to many who should not be cops..... especially those who violate my rights just to satisfy their egos.
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i still think the whole thing is bullshit tint or no tint.

here is a lawyer take on it:

like i said earlier, those cops should have handled it better. they came out aggressive and with attitude. cops should always de-escalate any situation and not make it worse!!!!!
and here is another video where cops weigh in:
i agree that it is both the cops and Tyreek Hill's fault. the cops should not have gone from 0-60 in just seconds. and yes Tyreek should have given them more respect. i also that the reason it escalated is not because of police safety. if that was the case, they should have been preaching that to Tyreek. what they did instead was say "when i tell you to do something, you do it".....that is just plain wrong.
Had it NOT been Tyreek, and instead an actual offender with a loaded gun, we would have never even read about the cop who got executed point blank because of the tinted black windows.
If I'm a cop, and I've pulled you over for wreckless driving and speeding, the option for "respect" to you has been dissolved by your actions that got you here.
And now you choose to roll up your Windows?
yeah but the issue, if we are talking about officer safety, is that the minute that officer reached in to open the door, he was in a much vulnerable position. he could have been shot.. like the cop in the second video i posted who said, if it were about safety and Tyreek would not come out, the cop should have just stood back and kept his distance. this was not about safety. like i said, it was all about how Tyreek was not obeying the cops commands. and the cop got butt hurt about that and escalated the encounter. i also said that it is both Tyreek's and cops who were present fault. this whole thing should have been handled different.

and cops should be held to a higher standard. they need to maintain a professional attitude at all times. no matter how non compliant the citizen is. cops should not blow their tops like that when things do not go their way.

did you not see the video i posted? i actually agree with the cops in that video.
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