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Transfer gallery albums

Marybeth Burns

Well-Known Member
I am trying to transfer my photo albums from my note 10 + to my S24 ultra. I don't know whether or not smart switch transfers gallery albums. I'm afraid that it will just dump all of my photos into one album and I have 106 albums. It would take way too long to put them back into different albums. Does anyone know how to transfer not just photos but photo albums from one Samsung to another? Thanks.
I believe Smart Switch does back up your albums in gallery. I'm not 100% though. I use Google Photos so I'm not sure, but i think it does. I know it backs up my albums in Photos.
Gallery is basically just a picture viewer application, so it doesn't construct the photos into folders and files like say, Windows file Explorer does. Do you have a file Explorer app on your phone? I use MiXplorer, but others are Solid Explorer, to name a few.
You could just copy and paste your 106 folders /albums into your new phone by using a file Explorer....
It's been a few years since I last upgraded phones but I used Smart Switch to move from Samsung to Samsung. I only have six or seven albums but as I remember, they were maintained from old to new. I'm with ocnbrze, I'd try Smart Switch. If it let me down, I would then explore other options.
I have used SmartSwitch. I did not pay attention to whether it segregated the photos as you ask or not, but I am pretty sure it did, because I never had to move things around. Why not just try SmartSwitch out? If it does not segregate into albums (which I am pretty sure it does), you can just delete the transferred images and try "Plan B". SmartSwitch will not delete the images on the origin phone unless there is some way to tell it to, so you won't really be in trouble, and you might find out that everything transferred like you wanted.

Always - always - always back up your photos, videos, personal files to your PC on a regular basis! Don't rely on some app like SmartSwitch (which has proven to me, quite a few times, to be not so smart): plug your phone into the computer with a USB cable and copy/paste the files over. I don't trust "cloud" storage (which is simply someone else's computer drive), either... we have a Synology NAS (Network Attached Storage) here at home that keeps everything archived and under our control.

I back THAT up with external drives. In case the house burns down and takes both of those up in smoke, I have a remote backup NAS at our son's apartment that does encrypted, incremental backups during the night when he's asleep. Am I paranoid? Maybe... to a fault. After 15 years of smartphone use, though, I've learned the importance of redundancy in backup storage. I also want 100% control of our data because Google Drive, OneDrive etc. would data mine & analyze every file to extract as much information as possible; and use that to further build a consumer profile of such extreme, intimate detail that most people would have a heart attack if they actually saw it; and sell that to advertisers who have the money. NO THANK YOU.
Always - always - always back up your photos, videos, personal files to your PC on a regular basis! Don't rely on some app like SmartSwitch (which has proven to me, quite a few times, to be not so smart): plug your phone into the computer with a USB cable and copy/paste the files over. I don't trust "cloud" storage (which is simply someone else's computer drive), either... we have a Synology NAS (Network Attached Storage) here at home that keeps everything archived and under our control.

I back THAT up with external drives. In case the house burns down and takes both of those up in smoke, I have a remote backup NAS at our son's apartment that does encrypted, incremental backups during the night when he's asleep. Am I paranoid? Maybe... to a fault. After 15 years of smartphone use, though, I've learned the importance of redundancy in backup storage. I also want 100% control of our data because Google Drive, OneDrive etc. would data mine & analyze every file to extract as much information as possible; and use that to further build a consumer profile of such extreme, intimate detail that most people would have a heart attack if they actually saw it; and sell that to advertisers who have the money. NO THANK YOU.
This is really so true.
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