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I rode today but it wasn't pleasant. There was a stiff North wind blowing early this morning and it got worse as it warmed up. I made two trips to the town South and then rode around in town. I depleted a fully charged battery after riding only 39 miles. I did not step up the assist. The extra battery drain was just trying to battle the wind. I saw nobody riding today. Though today wasn't fun, it was likely a better day than tomorrow. The forecast has the overnight low in the low forties and tomorrow's high in the upper sixties.
I got a late start mowing today because of it being cold. My son came over before I went riding and spent most of the afternoon visiting. It was after dinner before I had a chance to ride so it was a short outing. It was in the low fifties but luckily there was only a mild wind blowing from the North. I only managed one loop to the town South and back and it was nearly dark. I'm not ready for winter riding! The overnight low is predicted to be only 31°. Bummer! It will be cold riding tomorrow.
It was colder today but didn't really feel like it. There was no wind blowing and a full blue sky of sunshine. I finished my work and logged 21 miles. I passed one cyclist in my ride today. The only person out this afternoon besides myself.
Okay, it was too windy to ride today. I almost had my seventy pound bike blown out from under me a few times today. It was darn windy when I went riding but just terrible before I got home. I only rode 24 miles and quit. My weather station logged a 41.2 mph gust while I was riding. That was the max gust. I have no idea how many were almost that powerful. I'm guessing at least three more gusts. :) Oddly, I was the only one out riding today. :)
It was windy again today but nothing like yesterday. The highest gust recorded on my station was 34.2 mph and happened after I got back. It was windy however which really drains the battery. I only logged 36 miles and thought it best to quit. I had planned on riding again early evening but I had all the wind I wanted. As soon as the sun went down, the temperature dropped ten degrees and the winds became calm.
There was a breeze today but nothing to complain about. It almost reached eighty degrees in the afternoon after the morning sixties. It was a very desirable day to be on a bicycle. With wind predicted for tomorrow and rain for Monday, I did my best to ride all I could. I logged 82 miles today which may be a personal record. I'm pretty certain it's an E-bike record but I might have logged more than that on my road bike back in the 90's. Though the bike had an odometer, I never gave it much attention.

I didn't see anyone riding this morning. It was a bit cool. I only saw a jogger and a couple of dog walkers on my first battery. I came home when it was nearing depletion and hydrated and relaxed a bit before grabbing the other battery and riding again. It was super nice my second ride and there were riders besides myself out enjoying the day. I saw only one other e-bike.
A quick note about today's ride. It was nice and I saw quite a few riders. I saw four riders in a pack. I saw a middle aged woman on a trike riding into the wind and up hill at 5 mph. That's quite a clip considering the difficulty pedaling a trike. And last but something I haven't seen but a few times around here, two young women riding on a bicycle built for two.
I guess I best get accustomed to riding in the wind. It has been blowing some daily and often to an extreme. Today was one of those lousy days. I went ahead and rode a battery's worth and called it a day. Going into the heavy South wind on my way to the next town was no fun. It took a lot of shifting and slow riding to get up the hills into the wind. The return leg was easy. I tried not to use the throttle and I rode in assist level 2 the entire ride. I was trying to conserve battery. I have no idea how fast it would have drained without my efforts. I only got 41 miles out of my normal 50 mile charge. I talked to my buddy that bought my older bike. He said he just can't ride when it's really windy. It's too much labor and he lacks the air. I hope that improves for him over time. I was the only one riding today.
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Today was a wonderful day for a ride. There was a West wind blowing that has very little effect on my normal loop. I rode 46 miles and ate dinner early so I could ride again before dark. My back tire felt a bit soft so I checked it and it was low. I aired it up and rode to the South end of town and checked it again. It had lost two pounds indicating a leak. I aired it up again and rode home. I only logged ten miles on my second ride but I did no walking. :) I pulled the wheel off of the bike and repaired the tube. It was the smallest hair like metal fiber that had penetrated my "flat preventing" tire and tube. I could not recommend these tires to anyone. They have a noise factor, they are heavy and consume about 2 miles every fully charged battery, they make the bike less responsive, and they have a harmonic vibration at 23 mph that vibrates me and the bike. And last but far from the least, they cost more than a traditional fat tire and are billed to cut down on flats. Not so!
I got in a great ride yesterday. It was a bit windy from the West but that doesn't have any effect on my South / North loop. I rode 49 miles on a charge and called it a day. Today started out cool but absolutely beautiful. The wind came up as the temperature warmed up and was near gale force by the time I was able to ride. I only rode 30 miles before I gave up. I hated to quit riding on such a warm afternoon but that South wind was a show stopper. I logged a 54.8 mph gust while riding. I talked to my buddy. He logged 11 miles this morning before it got windy.
I rode 31 miles today. I'm hoping the North wind will die down some and I'll ride a bit more before dark. I saw the trike lady again today. She's a trouper.
I broke the 9K mark this afternoon. That's like riding my bike from LA to New York then back to LA and then back to NY.
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