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Convert png to pdf or epub

You probably already have something that can do PNG to PDF: most image viewers can do that by selecting "print" and then choosing "save to PDF" as the print option. And an image viewer on a computer can probably save in different formats (phone apps are generally more limited, but my (MacOS) laptop's built-in viewer can save any image format it can read as any other format it can read (including PDF, but not ePUB).

Direct png to epub I don't know of: for example Calibre (ebook viewer and manager), which is available for all major computer platforms (but not android phones) can convert a wide range of formats to epub, including pdf, but doesn't read png (which is an image format rather than a document format). So you may need to do 2 steps to go from png to epub, or else just settle for pdf.
Does an Android automatically have that capability? I wouldn't mind pdf. Why ISN'T this fabulous Calibre available for Android? I know there's Calibre companion, but why not the real deal?
Does an Android automatically have that capability? I wouldn't mind pdf. Why ISN'T this fabulous Calibre available for Android? I know there's Calibre companion, but why not the real deal?
no android does not automatically converts something to anything. it needs an app for that. and calibre for android is not a thing at this moment. why? well you will need a dev team or person to write an android version and that can cost money. but calibre made it simple to access your calibre library via a web browser. so there really is no need for an app.
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Does this also work with jpg? I got stuck with a zip file but I figured it would be no big deal because the file manager could handle it. I was about half right. After some struggle I got it more or less done but it's still a pain, with not enough magnification available. I don't know why anyone would bother with this zip stuff.
Does this also work with jpg? I got stuck with a zip file but I figured it would be no big deal because the file manager could handle it. I was about half right. After some struggle I got it more or less done but it's still a pain, with not enough magnification available. I don't know why anyone would bother with this zip stuff.
zip files are easier to share and download. they are more compact and thus take up less space and use less data to download......so zip files are very handy.

does what work with jpg? calibre? and jpg are usually used for images. what exactly are you trying to do?
I want to be able to use an ereader with these files and not have to resort to some kind of image viewer. I have more than enough apps already and am slimming down what I've got, maybe deleting some. Speaking of this, what are the following: max, white on blue with a dot in the a, and Merge, which has a red rectangle with six white dots on a blue and white background?
I want to be able to use an ereader with these files and not have to resort to some kind of image viewer. I have more than enough apps already and am slimming down what I've got, maybe deleting some. Speaking of this, what are the following: max, white on blue with a dot in the a, and Merge, which has a red rectangle with six white dots on a blue and white background?
the ereader is an app that can only read certain files. there might be an ereader app that might be able to read jpg files, but i have my doubts.

as for the other things.....you are gonna have to post an image of what you are talking about cuz i have no clue based on your description.
What documents do you have in png format? A png is a single image, so it can't contain multiple pages in a single file the way pdf or epub can, so it would seem a strange format for a book. Maybe a single page, but when people photograph a page they'd normally use jpeg (i.e. just take a photo), or else use an app that lets you use the phone as a scanner, photographing documents and then saving directly as pdf, including combining multiple pages in a single file (Microsoft's Office Lens being one example, though there are plenty of others).

I mainly use pngs for graphics I want to include in documents, especially when I want a transparent background. And I would use an image viewer for png, same as for jpeg, because both are image formats (though optimised for different purposes).
They have text and pictures. I want to be able to enlarge them and use an ereader because then I can store them as "ebooks" in the same group of files. Why is it that whenever I try to make things simpler they become more complicated?
It's probably because your plan of simplification runs against the normal uses of the tool, in this case the PNG format.

If you have to use a phone, a quick search found a number of image to PDF convertors in the Play Store, and at least one in F-Droid. I can't recommend one because I've not used any of them, but installing such an app and converting the files is probably the simplest way of reading them through an eReader.

I did a search for direct png to ePub conversion, but the only one I found was a front-end to an online converter which had poor reviews. But there may be a decent option out there, I didn't search for long.
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