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  1. M

    Accessories Anyone have or know anything about these cases?

    I have a discount code and can get one of these but I have never heard of them. They are still a bit pricey so I wanted to see if anyone had any experience with them and what they are like? Thanks. Naztech Green Vertex Case for HTC EVO 4G
  2. M

    Help search button intermittently not working

    My soft button on the bottom right has been temperamental lately. Most of the time it works, but sometimes it is completely unresponsive. The screen above it is fine and everything else works. No separation that I notice. Any ideas what is going on?
  3. M

    So, have most of the Froyo problems been worked out now?

    I must be one of the last hold-outs on the update here! :lol I keep getting the message every day and keep hitting ignore. But I wonder, are the issues people have had (slow browser, bad battery life, etc.) mostly resolved by now? I don't plan to root and I just want a phone that works well...
  4. M

    Help What is the downside to not updating?

    Other than not getting the benefits of Froyo that is? I haven't done it yet and I am seeing a lot of "wish I could go back to 2.1" and "Froyo destroyed my battery" posts on here so I am weighing my options. I love my phone and it works well. My battery is great (usually around 24 hours with...
  5. M

    Help facebook for android update question

    I got an "updates available" notice from appbrain today and one was Facebook. After the update, even though I have it set to not sync at all it won't shut off like before. I can close it using running services but its a pain and I never had to do that before. Anyone else notice this? BTW I am...
  6. M

    Am I the only one with this problem?

    Okay, it is summer and extremely HOT here (high 90's). So when I am out and about I am often a bit sweaty. If I talk on the phone with it up to my face, of course the screen gets a little wet, but then the screen gets immediately unresponsive. I often have to hit the power button to turn the...
  7. M

    ? about Droid X and other "alternate" keyboards

    So I downloaded the Droid X keyboard and it looks nice and all but I can't type accurately on it. On the stock keyboard you can calibrate it by typing in the quick brown fox thing and I noticed after I did that I got MUCH more accurate. Is there a way to do that for these other keyboards? Or is...
  8. M

    phone froze

    I have had my Evo for a month and never had this happen before. I was at Target and my phone rang. I answered, completed the call and then my Phone just suddenly became unresponsive! I had to pull the battery and now it seems fine again. It was working fine up until that point. Anyone have this...
  9. M

    what is the difference between soft reboot and turning the phone physically off/on?

    When people say they rebooted their phone to "fix" potential issues (particularly after the update) is that just turning it off then on? or does that mean volume keys and power key soft boot? does the latter do anything particular to the phone in terms of apps and settings? or is more like...
  10. M

    battery life Less after update -- any fixes yet?

    For those few whose battery life is actually not as good post-update have you figured out why yet? This is my first full day after doing the update last night and the battery is draining faster than it did before (even in standby). All settings are the same as before and I started with a 100...
  11. M

    ? for those who had GOOD battery life before the OTA update yesterday or today

    Did your battery life improve or get worse after the update? I did not update yesterday after reading about all the bricked phones. I got the message to update this evening but cancelled it for now because I absolutely need my phone tomorrow and because I am leery about what it will do to my...
  12. M

    Will the upgrade change/lose any apps or settings?

    I have read that some widgets need to be reinstalled after updating. What about apps? I don't want to lose any of those or have to reinstall (I am 1/2 way through a book on Laputa for example). Also, all the settings I have customized -- will they stay the same or do I have to redo?
  13. M

    Laputa book reader?

    Anyone use this? I have the book reader downloaded and the "Bestsellers for Laputa" downloaded but every time I try to open it it says that the book reader is not downloaded and sends me back to the market! What am I doing wrong?
  14. M

    How often do you turn your phone OFF?

    For the first week I turned my phone off every night to charge and back on in the morning. The last several days or so I have left it on, charging while on for only a few hours as needed (I have been getting great battery life 24-48 hours, albeit with light use so I was doing it in part to test...
  15. M

    Help ? About Turning off Background Data

    I know this is one of the "tips" for battery life but what all does it affect (i.e. when does it need to be on to perform a function)? I tried it once and noticed I had to turn it back on to access the market, so I assumed that it would prevent ALL data like that, including web browsing and...
  16. M

    What does updating the PRL Do, exactly?

    And assuming that the phone is running as it is supposed to, will updating the PRL do any harm? My phone is running a little warmer than it did at first and someone suggested trying that. But everything else is great and I don't want to do anything to mess it up (did that once already and don't...
  17. M

    Help battery temperature?

    What is your average battery temperature? When in use (surfing the web, etc.)? It seemed like the first few days my unit stayed pretty cool but now it is getting a little warm after only a few minutes use. It can get as cool as 28C when not in use, but has gotten over 40C with lite surfing/use...
  18. M

    Help Help, I think I messed something up on my phone

    As of yesterday evening my phone was working great. I guess I learned my lesson: don't mess with success. With days of tweaking and following advice found on these forums I had gotten my battery on track to do about 18+ hours yesterday and everything was running smoothly. But I thought it...
  19. M

    Anyone else's EVO get warm WHILE on phone calls?

    I have noticed that my phone gets warm whenever I am on a phone call -- this applies whether it up to my ear or using the bluetooth. It is not super hot (maybe 39C) but it does make it a little uncomfortable to hold against my ear, face or just hand. Am I the only one? Any idea about the...
  20. M

    Help Cell Standby 42%

    Does this just mean I am in a bad cell zone? This is my reading at home and it is the top battery usage on the chart, followed by wifi at 24% (on because I am home), and phone idle at 23%.
  21. M

    How do I get pictures on my contacts?

    Do I have to have them loaded on the phone or is there a way to get them from Facebook, etc.? I have never done it, so I have no clue.
  22. M

    Help EVO is great, except as a phone -- is something wrong?

    Got my EVO today around 1:00. Yay! I have been playing around with it and so far everything is great, and I like it much better than my Moment, with one exception: The phone. Every call I have made sounds terrible -- muffled, tinny, harsh and buzzy. I swear my ear actually rang after getting...
  23. M

    Appbrain -- how to switch to EVO?

    I have Appbrain set up with my Moment and it has all my apps that I want for the EVO. But I can't figure out how to tell it to sync with the EVO and NOT the Moment. I don't see a "change device" setting on the website. Help?
  24. M

    Activating my EVO

    I am literally sitting and waiting for My EVO to arrive via UPS any minute (hour?) now. Yesterday I was in the Sprint store looking at accessories and I mentioned I was getting it through the mail. The employee told my not to turn it on, but to bring it to the store to be activated. Is that...
  25. M

    Accessories What non-Sprint phone leather or non-leather cases will fit?

    I already have the Platinum two-piece case to put on the phone, but I also want a leather or similar case for the phone and haven't been able to find one big enough. My phone comes tomorrow and since I generally carry it in a pocket in the side of my purse (pocket has snaps) I want to get...
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