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  1. S

    Root New root method?

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    Network type = No Service

    I was in an area over the weekend where Verizon flat out does not work. I had no 3G/4G connection the entire weekend when my friend sitting right next to me with AT&T had 5 bars of 4G. I played with every setting I know of to try and get a connection but to no avail. Not a big deal, I lived on...
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    Turbo 2 Specs from MOTO

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    Help New system Update 24.3.7.en.US

    Woke up this morning (1/20/2015) and had a message to install a system update. Backing things up now and will let everyone kn0ow how things go.
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    Turbo vs MAXX

    I am interested in feedback from those Turbo owners that moved over from the Droid MAXX. I am not eligible for an upgrade right now, but have considered buying the Turbo outright and selling my MAXX. Is is worth it?
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    Screen Destroyed, recover files

    I am working on a phone for a friend. His screen is completely destroyed, both the glass and the LCD. However, the phone does turn on, charges, rings, receives email etc. He wanted to recover pictures etc. off the phone but I cannot seem to get the PC to see it as a mass storage device. I...
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    MAXX Take Apart Guide

    Has anyone seen a post or video on tearing down the MAXX? I have been searching but trying to weed out any RAZR posts is maddening. I'm curious how things are crammed inside of this baby and how difficult repairs might be.
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    Alternative Car Mode/Driving app

    Is anyone using an alternative "Car Mode" app that they really like? From what I can tell, the only thing the stock one does is allow the home screen to go into landscape mode.
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    MAXX on other carriers

    Does anyone know if Sprint or ATT will be getting a version of the MAXX any time soon? I have friends that are very jealous of the battery life but cannot switch carriers. Thanks
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    Wave Good Bye

    Like many others, it is time for me to move on from my Bionic. My MAXX arrived today and I think I almost have it set up correctly... Good luck everyone!;)
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    Storage Question

    Just received my MAXX today!!! Question, can the MAXX's internal storage be accesses/mounted as a normal USB storage device or is the Media Server option the only possible way?
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    Mystery Screenshots

    I have noticed an oddity since updating to JB. I have a folder on the internal SD card under bug2go\screenshots that appears to populate itself with various screenshots that I have not taken. Usually, just ones of the lock screen but occasionally of other things. This is not the folder that...
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    Disabling apps (non root)

    So a guy at work asked me an Android question today that I'm not sure of the answer to... Under ICS and JB, even if you are not rooted you have the ability to disable pre-installed apps but the system warns you every time that doing so might cause problems. The question is, will an un-rooted...
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    Backup Prompt

    I am continually getting a prompt that an app is waiting for a WIFI connection to perform backup. I assume, that app is V Backup Assistant Plus... Is anyone else getting that prompt? Is that app ok to disable/freeze?
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    Root JB and Root

    I'm wondering if anyone who is rooted and installed safestrap or bootstrap have gotten the JB OTA and how it has worked? Any issues? Did you keep root? How? Any other tips/tricks?
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    Root Got really excited, then...

    This looked very exciting Motorola RAZR HD, RAZR M, and Atrix HD Bootloader Unlock Released – Droid Life But then I read "...this method does not work on OMAP powered phones, including the original RAZR, Bionic, and DROID 4. Do not attempt to use this on any of those phones."...
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    Link Ringtone and Messaging volumes

    Anybody know of a way to re-link the ringtone and messaging volumes? Apparently, in ICS they decided to un-link them so turning down the volume rocker quiets the ringtone but does not touch the messaging/notification volume. I have Audio Manager installed, that app used to offer that as an...
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    Who got 1.2GHz with ICS?

    I'm wondering how many people got bumped to 1.2GHz with ICS and how many are stuck at 1.0GHz? I got 1.2GHz but the 2 people I work with that have the Bionic both only got 1.0GHz. EDIT: Saw another friend this weekend that got ICS, he got 1.2GHz as well. I got my Bionic about a month after...
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    Force to 3g in ICS

    Is there a way to force the phone to use 3g in ICS like there was in GB? I don't see that option in the Mobile Networks section.
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    Custom Text only tone

    Is it possible to set a custom tone for text only? I have a contact that I would like to use a special notification tone for but just for text messages. I see where I can set a custom ringtone but not a custom text tone.
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    Help JAVA on Lapdock/FF

    I recently purchased the Lapdock for my Bionic and am trying to figure out how to get the Java Runtime Emvironment added into FF. FF tells me it can go and install it for me but all I get is a page not found error. I try manual install and that takes me to a .bin file that neither android FF...
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    Help Blacklist Calls

    One thing I really miss about the custom ROM on my OG DrOID was the dialer that allowed me to blacklist phone numbers. I've looked at a few apps on the market but am wondering if anyone here had used and is happy with any one in particular?
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    Help Interesting take on data drop issue

    I came across something very interesting last week and over the weekend. I have some data drop issues like many of us do but they have improved with 5.5.893 and after adjusting the battery saver settings. I found it tough to make it through the day on the standard battery so some time ago I...
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    Root No Connection/Baseband unknown

    I posted this over in the DroidX forum but I wanted to make sure the big brains here saw it too: http://androidforums.com/droid-x-all-things-root/453449-no-connecton-baseband-unknown.html#post3543319
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    Root No Connecton/Baseband Unknown

    I am trying to help a friend recover his DroidX and have an issue that I've never seen before. This is on stock non-rooted DroidX. (Will be rooted soon I hope...) His wife was using the phone when the it froze and rebooted itself. When it did, it went directly into bootloader mode. A couple of...
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