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  1. AMOCO

    Samsung at DIA switching out Galaxy Note 7 devices before flights

    Great job,Samsung; http://kdvr.com/2016/10/17/samsung-at-dia-monday-switching-out-galaxy-note-7-devices-before-flights/
  2. AMOCO

    AT&T LG G Pad F 8.0 Marshmallow Update Out

    Since there is no LG G Pad F 8.0 Section,I just put this here. Well I would have never thought LG(AT&T) would have updated this tablet to Marshmallow,But it's out: https://www.att.com/devicehowto/index.html#!/
  3. AMOCO

    AT&T LG G4 Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update Today

    950mb. in size,So if you are on at&t and on the LG G4 be sure to check your phone for the update. Will post screen shot when my phone is finished updating.
  4. AMOCO

    (AT&T) LG G4 Small Update(Today)

    Today: AT&T LG G4 small update,From H81010l to H81010o. But still on Android Lollipop 5.1.
  5. AMOCO

    I'm A New G4 User

    I went to my local AT&T store to go pay my bill,And last month when I was in there paying my bill.I walked over to the LG phones and I played with the G4 and it's awesome. So today I pulled the trigger and bought it and give my wife my G2(Which is in mint condition,Been in a OtterBox the day I...
  6. AMOCO

    Root Should I Reroot?

    Okay a while back I decided to return to stock for the Lollipop update and I 've got it. Now,Some gains if I reroot. Removal of some bloatware,Which is about 363.35MB.'s.Not much space to gain. And of coarse,I will end up with a little more memory not being used. The thing is with all that or...
  7. AMOCO

    Root KnockOn After Root & TWRP(Lollipop)?

    Can anyone confirm that KnockOn still works on Lollipop and with TWRP?I know it didn't work for me when on KK and with Twrp,But worked when just rooted.
  8. AMOCO

    AT&T Lollipop Update Is Here

    Well I decided to check for lollipop today and low and behold there it was.Really different.But cool.
  9. AMOCO

    Root HTC Desire 610 Return To Stock (AT&T)

    Here is a link to return to stock for the HTC Desire 610 (AT&T) By;ClearD @ Xda: http://forum.xda-developers.com/desire-610/general/info-htcdev-unlock-root-t2844323
  10. AMOCO

    Talked A Friend Into Getting An LG G2

    Yeah,I talked him into it.He originally came from a flip phone,Then I talked him into a starter smartphone(Kyocera Hydro). And now a fast ass G2.He and his wife want one wireless bill,So he is giving up on Boost Mobile for Verizon. He is going to finish the order when he get's off of work...
  11. AMOCO

    Root [AT&T] Stump Root Will Work After OTA Update (D80020y)

    Worked for me.When TowlRoot wouldn't: Direct download here: [Root] Stump Root for LG Devices (2012 - 201… | LG G3 | XDA Forums
  12. AMOCO

    Root [AT&T] OTA Update Today

    Ok,Tonight I got an OTA update,I already had KitKat 4.4.2.So it wouldn't install because of root. So I return to stock and got 2 updates(1 for JB,1 to install KK). My phone's software version information. Android Version: 4.4.2 Baseband version:M8974A-AAAANAZM-1.0.190082 Kernel...
  13. AMOCO

    Help 4G Icon In The Navigation Bar

    So I was wondering if the 4g icon in the navigation bar stay's on while connected to wifi? Or is there a way to have it disappear while on wifii? In other words,Both wifi and 4g icons are in the navigation bar while connected to wifi.
  14. AMOCO

    New HTC Desire 610 For The Wife

    So I got the wife an HTC Desire 610 because she was having trouble calling me on the old ZTE Boost Force I gave her when I got my LG G2 (AT&T). This is a pretty nice phone,I've been setting it up for her and I been playing with it too. :D:D:D:D:D
  15. AMOCO

    Leaving The ZTE Force

    Well you could say I am officially leaving the ZTE Force.But I will still be on the forums here. I moved to the LG G2 (AT&T) And got my wife a new HTC Desire 610 (AT&T) today.
  16. AMOCO

    Not Receiving Text From iPhone 4 on IOS 7(Solved)

    Just what the title says, I'm not receiving text from an iPhone 4 with IOS 7.But I receive everyone else's, And he gets my text. Anyone know how to fix this?
  17. AMOCO

    Root [AT&T] Stock Recovery For LG G2?

    I was wondering if there is a stock recovery file/img?,For the LG G2. Because if I install TWRP and ever wanted to revert back to stock recovery.I would want these files/img.
  18. AMOCO

    Root [AT&T] TowelRoot Works On LG G2 (AT&T) Kitkat 4.4.2

    I can confirm that TowelRoot works on the LG G2 with Kitkat 4.4.2. I couldn't get Iroot to root it,So I tried TowelRoot straight from the phone. And when your done rooting,You can uninstall Towelroot. Link: https://towelroot.com/
  19. AMOCO

    Getting A LG G2 (Update:I Got It)

    Well I decided to get a new phone and give the wife my ZTE Force. I'm really excited about getting the LG G2,I've been doing a lot of research on Smartphones that are in my budget And I really like the hardware in the G2.
  20. AMOCO

    Root Sprint Update Installation Guide(With CWM/Root)

    Okay,This update we all know will not install with CWM & Root. So,This is a guide to help you get it installed. 1) Download the original backup here: http://androidforums.com/force-4g-lte-all-things-root/742117-working-stock-nandroid-backup.html And follow the instructions. 2) Download the...
  21. AMOCO

    Using a Stylus

    Man this is way easier than using my fat fingers to type.Picked one up at Dollar Tree Store for yes a dollar.It works great,Love it.
  22. AMOCO

    Help Boost Force Sd Card upgrade

    Here is a link from ZTE website,Click on Support>Software Updates. http://www.zteusa.com/phones/boost-force.html
  23. AMOCO

    Help Please need help,Lost all my Boost Mobile courier info

    Ok,Here is what happen, I was urooting and stock recovery,That all went good.No problems. Then I had my phone in stock recovery and I left it on the coffee table,I went to the store. And when I got back my wife told me my nephew[He's 7 years old] had been playing with my phone. So needless to...
  24. AMOCO

    Help Resetting Phone Question

    Will wiping data(resetting phone),break root or screw up my phone? And do I wipe(reset)from my recovery?
  25. AMOCO

    Help Issues With 3g While On The Phone

    Ok,I used to be able to get on teamviewer(on my phone)while on a phone call,But now the 3g will disappear while on a call. Any clues on why its not working anymore? BTW,Could it be Battery Guru from preventing it from working?
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