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  1. P

    Solutions to USB, Fingerprint problems with S9+

    I've had my phone for just over 2 years and its starting to fritz.. The fingerprint scanner's coating started to peel. I had to delete and re-scan my print to get it functional again, but in the end what I did is gently rub it with a cotton cloth [ handkerchief ] and removed the remaining...
  2. P

    Help default 'open with' app not sticking

    when you open a document or picture or media file for example, the choices given are 'just once' or 'always' if I select 'always' the selection should stick, so I do not have to make that choice again, ie -always-. it is not sticking as the default choice. any way to fix this issue?
  3. P

    Root [Verizon] Help with terminology!

    It would be great if there were a more extensive glossary somewhere [ I use the one on XDA ] but still have questions. whats the differences between: kill disable freeze delete it seems they are often used [ inappropriately?] interchangeably; ergo the question. :confused:
  4. P

    Help an an app version be saved?

    I really liked google maps before they updated it and ruined it. fortunately, I was able to 'revert' back to my current version. Why the heck would they remove the ability to access your own maps that you have created? (...it works... lets break it! <google development>) QUESTION: can I save...
  5. P

    Help is it possible to block ota updates

    I would like to prevent, block, etc OTA updates to my vzn s4. I plan to root it, and do not want to lose the root capability. I also do not want changes to other items, particularly google maps. So on a non rooted phone, can it be blocked? how? once I have rooted my phone, can it thereafter...
  6. P

    Help GPS stops working repeatedly VZW s3

    Ever since I got the mandatory update to 4.1.1, GPS reception has been spotty. I use navigation frequently, and after a time the GPS just does not work. Testing with apps like GPS test shows no satellites in view. This really sucks when you are trying to get somewhere and the nave stops...
  7. P

    Help GPS No fix w/o data?

    I can no longer get a GPS location w/o a data connection.It makes navigation impossible if you go to areas w/o cell coverage. I used to be able to get a GPS fix before the upgrade to jb411. Has anyone else noticed this? vzw s3 jb411
  8. P

    Help Problems after update to 4.1.1 - help?

    Verizon pushed through an update while I was using the phone for navigation, really pissed me off. I would have preferred if they gave me the option. I have noticed the following problems since then: 1. In car using navigation: directions announced thru speaker, and BT headset paired, waiting...
  9. P

    Help Help with Docking

    Can someone explain what is: Car Dock Mode? Desk Dock Mode? the differences, what they activate/deactivate etc
  10. P

    Help Alarms blocked by notifications

    Has anyone else noticed that if you get a 'missed call notification' and do not remove it, any alarms you have will not sound - until you do? I contacted sumsang support and all they told me to do, w/o acknowledging that it is a known or unknown problem, is to re-start the phone. That seems...
  11. P

    Help How to? Ringtones and radio

    On my old phone I had some custom ringtones, and was able to set group ringtones: I had one ringtone for contacts in my phone, and another ringtone for callers who were not in my contacts list. This helped me differentiate between specific people, people I know, and people I may not know. Q...