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  1. M

    Wifi Calling within US using Galaxy S3?

    So I recently saw that TMobile has an option for smart phones which allows subscribers to make phone calls using wifi. Is there an applicable way to do this with our AT&T Galaxy S3 phones? I get absolutely horrible cellular signal at home, so if I could use wifi to make phone calls that would...
  2. M

    Help Can't access my S3 via USB? Worked once... now won't?

    I don't understand if my phone is just a piece of junk or if these custom ROMs are screwing my phone up. I had CM10.2 installed and had the same problem - I was able to connect my phone via USB and access the file system once.... After that, not again. I then used Kies Air to transfer files to...
  3. M

    Help Maps v7.0.2 - Navigation and "Directional Follow" show the phone travelling wrong direction?

    I don't know how to explain the mode, but since upgrading to the newest Google Maps version, when I click on the GPS twice so I get the 3d map and it's at a "birds eye" instead of straight "overhead" view, as I'm driving on the freeway the arrow is pointing in the wrong direction. In the photo...
  4. M

    Root [AT&T] Ultimatum Rom - Continuous boot on install?

    So I downloaded the Ultimatum S3 1.0.1 zip file (from here) and added it to my /media/sdcard on the phone. I then used ROM Manager to install Ultimatum - I had already done a backup an hour or so before so I told it to just do a wipe. Phone reboots, Ultimatum says it's installing but admittedly...
  5. M

    Help Battery went from full charge to 8% in 6 hours... wtf?

  6. M

    Help AT&T JB Update in Kies -- What to do if phone is rooted?

    The disclaimer says that phones which are rooted usually fail during the upgrade. Is this just a false disclaimer? If it does fail while rooted, what do I need to do to be able to upgrade to JB? Do I just unroot my device? And if so, how? Please advise!
  7. M

    Root [AT&T] New to rooting and ROMs, newbie's experience notes and questions

    So before I installed a new ROM, I thankfully had the thought to backup the stock ROM using Recovery, and I also had the thought to back everything up using Titanium Backup pro. So I use Rom Manager to install CM10 Nightly, set up the phone, etc. I install Titanium Backup Pro and restore all...
  8. M

    Help Voice Dial Sees Duplicates?

    I have had to start using my Jawbone with my Samsung Galaxy S3 while driving in a vehicle that isn't bluetooth compatible. When I try to voice dial, I say the contact name and it finds multiple contacts. It says "is this one of your contacts?" What am I supposed to say to get it to tell me what...
  9. M

    Tasker Help - Gesture based "Take Photo" action only while in camera app?

    So one thing the Samsung Galaxy S3 desperately lacks is a hardware or gesture based way to snap a photo while in the camera app. Coming from an iPhone, it was nice being able to press the "Volume Up" button to snap a picture. I found a tutorial on Tasker's website for opening the camera app...
  10. M

    Help AT&T Visual Voicemail app

    Has anyone been able to successfully get it set up on their phone? I've been trying unsuccessfully to get it set up and have called AT&T Support but alas it still won't work. AT&T Support tells me I should be using the AT&T Messages app but I don't like how it takes over my messaging...