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  1. M

    Help Random Outgoing Calls?

    Hey Guys, I'm not a Droid Razr owner, but am posting this on behalf of a friend who is... I swayed him away from an iPhone and until last Saturday, he was loving his Razr. About 2 in the morning, his phone, which was plugged in and sitting in his living room, started making random outgoing...
  2. M

    Root cyanogenmod?

    Hi all, I remember a while back seeing articles about cyanogenmod for the Verizon Samsung tab, but it was still buggy.... anybody know if they got it working, and if so, where can I find download/install instructions?
  3. M

    Help google talk - video chat

    When I log into google talk using my asus tf, I can video chat. Not so with my galaxy tab. Anybody know why?
  4. M

    3.2 coming to tf?

    Hey folks... anybody know if 3.2 and subsequently 4.0 will be coming to the TF?
  5. M

    7" tab - gingerbread update failing, can I manually install?

    hi, I keep getting three gingerbread update prompt which always fails out... Is there somewhere I can manually go and flash the update? Idea - I'm rooted and have root explorer, so if someone could tell mewhich file to look for- can I search and noor into recovery using rom manager and flash...
  6. M

    Help netflix app - not working anymore!

    Hey all Downloaded the non-device-checking version of the app from droid-life. Worked beautifully... went to try it today and it tells me I need to upgrade. Click on the "ok" and then get an "app not found" error. Any tips on hpw to get around this? My daughter needs her regular elmo fix!
  7. M

    Help Touchscreen Not Working

    So I wake my transformer up yesterday and the touch screen doesn't respond... at all. No problem... I'll just power down, power back up. Ten thousand tries later, no dice. Okay, i'll leave it off for a few hours, see what happens. Nuffink. Finally, I swallow my pride and do a hard reset...
  8. M

    Help Vzw Samsung Tab - OTA upgrade fails

    So I've tried updating the tab when I get the notification. Starts out fine, but halfway through the install, it flashes a triangle wn exclamation point inside, then restarts back to the old one. My tab is not the wifi only version, butt I bought it from a third party and skipped activation...
  9. M

    Help Tab wont turn on!

    Last time i used my tab, it had more than 50% battery.... tonight, i tried to use it and it wont turn on... tried plugging it in for a while, thinking maybe the battery drained, but nada. It still wont turn on... any help?
  10. M

    Root Rooted GingerBlur - Exchange Sync not working *FIXED - Kinda*

    hey folks... i'm on the rooted gingerblur and tried to add my corporate email today, had a lot of issues. Could not get it connected. anybody else experiencing this issue? any fixes out there?
  11. M

    Help is it just me or are keyboards super slow?

    Seriously... have tried stock keyboard, thumb keyboard and swiftkey... i have to type so frickin slow on the xoom... anybody else experiencing this? Any fixes? In general, notice that Xoom gets laggy and slow... for $800 i shouldnt have to put up with this. Hope ure listening sanjay jha and co
  12. M

    Root RESOLVED - Rooted GingetBlur - Vignette not working

    Flashed to rooted GingerBlur from Apex 1.4.1 ... Seems like one of my most used apps, vignette, now no longer works. Anybody else had this issue? I have contacted the developers, and I think they're working on it, but wanted to know of anybody else I'd having this issue. (i originally had...
  13. M

    Accessories galaxy tab extended battery

    anybody know if there is an extended battery for the tab available?
  14. M

    Help Tab not being recognized by PC

    hey guys... quick help: Connecting my tab to my PC, I mount it, but it doesn't seem to be recognized. any help?
  15. M

    market stopped working (auto nootered off 1.00)

    hey all, for some reason, my market stopped working yesterday. apps just hang, don't download. any suggestions on how to fix?
  16. M

    Root flash player? (auto nootered off 1.00)

    Hey fellow nooksters Anybody know how to get flash? I am auto nootered off 1.00 software (tried updating to 1.01 and using updated nooter but it wouldn't take) Any help? Thanks!
  17. M

    Help installing non market apps

    Hello all So i've noticed that there are certain apps that don't appear on the market... i found it off the market and triedbto install only to find that i was not allowed to do it! Any tips? How can i get around this?
  18. M

    Root Overclocking Nootr'd Nook (Is there a Guide?)

    Hello All! Just bought my nook color and have nootered it (2.12), enjoying ADW launcher. Is there a step by step on how I can get it overclocked? I'm a layman and need some help! Thanks All! --MQ
  19. M

    Help Samsung G tab - Auto Rotation not working

    Just got my g tab... for some reason,.auto rotate between portrait and landscape not working... Any thoughts?
  20. M

    Help viewsonic gtab - flash not working

    Running tnt lite 3.0, flash 10.1 apk installed but whenever I pull up a video in a browser, it crashes it. Doesn't matter if its dolphin, skyfire, stock... any suggestions?
  21. M

    Help viewsonic gtab - android.process.acore not working

    Alrightey, so I had the infamous android.process.acore problem. Here's what I did that fixed it and wanted to share. Symptoms: - turned on tab, acore error started popping up every few seconds - no access to keyboard - no access to settings Thing's I didn't do: - hadn't installed...
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    tntlite tab, battery display

    My battery is showing 100% all the time... anything I can do to fix this? I'm running tntlite
  23. M

    Help viewsonic g tab - can i plug in external usb drive?

    I have a g tab running tnt-lite. Can I get a flash / external USB drive (fat32 formatted) plugged in to watch movies etc?