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    when is 4.2.3 coming?

    i have 4.2.2 I9505XXUAMDM (three network UK) just wondering if is any websites that has info on new updates coming ..
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    Help S2 - Can I Get Svoice ?

    New S3 has "Svoice" can i get same thing on my S2 ? any info be great
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    Help wanna go back stock firmware

    hello i have upgrade ICS different ones 3-4 times and now i wanna go back STOCK like it was when i open box ginerbread. is it possblie ? and if so how i do it im on THREE network UK branded phone
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    Help led flash when getting sms or call

    hello i seen today an iphone 4S rinning on side upside down (screen on table) and the LED light was flasshing to beat of this ringtone... i was shocked and asked how he said was in settings of phone.. i looked on S2 CANT SEE ANYTHING anyone know an app or how do this
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    Help help help !!!

    ive downloaded ICS installed it and worked ok for a while then it started messing up. so i downloaded newer version of the ICS tryed odin to install it and failed. so i needed re install the old version i have what worked again for a while now my phone just "rebooting" 24.7 boot...
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    Best Music Systerm

    i used have B&W Zeppelin but i sold it, used it with my iphone now im android user and looking buy a new speaker what is best for S2 / 3 ? any docks about?
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    Help Three... 2.3.6 Firmware

    I'm looking for a link to official 2.3.6 firmware on Three (english) want install it by Odin Any help be amazing thanks
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    Help How to hide unused apps in app drawer?

    Ok icons like Samsung app | FM Radio | Memo | Task Manager | Voice talk | Task | Talk | Game Hub | Readers Hub | Social Hub you get what i mean icons.. apps.. you NEVER use lol how in gods name to you "remove" or at least HIDE THE ICON.... on my jailbroken iPhone i had something...
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    Help SkyGo

    Anyone know when or how I can get SkyGo App On my Samsung Galaxy S2 Thanks for any information
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    Help ICS 4.0.3 battery problems

    My battery last 12 hours from full charge but I was sleep for 8 hours very disappointed any idea?
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    Help Anti virus protection on S2

    Hello everyone Just got free AV from my bank Barclays. Kaspersky Mobile Internet security 9 Wondering if anyone using it or anything else? For protection tbh I use kaspersky on my PC and love it on phone seems buggy and slow also very easy too just uninstall seems pointless...
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    Themes / Skins for app : Swiftkey X

    Hello, Looking for some new skins can't find anything on market? Anyone know where I can download some from?
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    Help Kies.... Software PAINFULLY SLOW?

    im running lastest version, each update i do seems get slower and slower its taking 3-4mins load "music" on my photo ( there about 3gb of it ) i have 3.5ghz quadcore, 8gb ram, running RAID 0 raptors with windows 7 surly spec wise im good for this crappy software? anyone esle getting same...
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    Help Camera, battery under 20%

    Hello on my SG2 when battery is under 20% I can't use camera for taking photo or video how I disable this? Would like be able use on any % of battery life thanks Phone Not rooted
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    Help Camera Wont Work... When Battery LOW

    is there way make camera work even if battery is low
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    Help How do I update, gameloft games

    Hello games I have installed from gameloft not from market how do I update them? As there not not market my apps Help please
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    THREE..... crap network

    I calling them and wont push me the updates.... KE7.... omg rage !!!!!! anyone wanna explain me about ODIN / ROOTIN over skype ? im total noob with it dunno what versions seems be sooo many
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    NFC (Near Field Communication)

    where is this in my Samsung Galaxy S II cant find it anywhere i have been reading there is different models of the phone i dunno, anyone esle know ?
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    Help App for hide photos / veds?

    Hello have private photos want to have them locked away really App for it? I
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    Help White pixel bottem left of all webpages

    On bottem left I have 1 pixel that always white, but only on internet all Anyone esle got this?
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    Help Battery %

    Anyone know how get the % next too the battery ? or least somewhere on the screen, thanks for all help
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    Help 2.3.4

    Hello, im running 2.3.3 on my samsung galaxy 2. how do i update for 2.3.4, i tryed going settings, about phone, software update if dont find anything?
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    Help SKYPE - Error

    Hello i have downloaded and tryed now 3x. same thing each time. i load skype fine, i log in fine after log in about 10sec later i get error and crash app "Sorry THe application Skype (process com.skype.raider) Has Stopped unexpectedly. Please try again" i have tryed 10+ times any one knows...
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    Help Hello, few questions

    Hi, Yesterday i have got a brand new 16GB i9100 ITS amazing as im sure you all ready know, few things i would like too know if possblie. 1: the "dock" at the bottom can it be swapped / remove icons ? ( like in iOS ) 2: many people saying about this i see but the charge time is insane.... i...
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    hello all Im new here as im sure u guessed :D Just got a Samsung Galaxy S II looking for some cool tricks and tips using tihs phone, im sued the iOS so Android new too me however im loving it so far just 24h in to using phone its amazing fast compared my iPhones 3GS any cool apps you wanna...