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  1. Android News

    Comparison details the differences between Kotlin and Java

    Google recently started naively supporting Kotlin on Android with their Android Studio IDE. So Android Authority has a comparison article up that shows you the differences between the two programming languages.
  2. Android News

    10 reasons to try Kotlin for Android development

    Android Authority has 10 good reasons why Android developers should try Kotlin. Kotlin is the new primary development language for Android as announced at Google I/O.
  3. Android News

    An introduction to Kotlin for Android development

    Adam from Android Authority takes a deeper look at Kotlin, the new Android developmental language. This guide shows you the ins and outs, as well as how to get started developing with Kotlin.
  4. Android News

    Top 5 things you need to know about Kotlin, Android's new programming language

    Jerry from Android Central takes a look at Kotlin, the new programming language for Android, and shares the top 5 things to know about it if you're not a developer.
  5. Android News

    Google brings support for the Kotlin programing language to Android

    Today at Google I/O, Google announced that Android would be fully supporting the Kotlin open source programing language. This is a language made by JetBrains that uses syntax which features a lot of built-in modern language features.