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nexus 5

  1. Twiz

    Help Marshmallow OTA update not working

    I received the notification to update and clicked it. The screen now shows "Android 6.0 System update..." and describes the update and how large the file is but there is no button to continue and nothing is downloading. I tried restarting the phone and it goes back to the same screen.
  2. B

    Help Marshmallow screwed up my phone

    Got the upgrade to 6.0 last night for my 5. After it installed and unlocked the device for the first time it went into a "Play Services wont start" loop which no matter what I tried it just would not go away. I spent all evening trying to solve. In desperation I turned off and went to bed...
  3. mistergoof

    Marshmallow OTA

    Downloading now, yipeeeee
  4. M

    Help "OK Google" using Skype for calls

    Suddenly, when I say "OK Google, call home" I noticed that it was using Skype to make the call. It has previously always gone to the regular phone app. I couldn't find a way to change this behaviour. Even if I removed all the defaults, it would just give me a choice of phone or Skype, but my...
  5. Rousku

    Root Update N5 to 6.0 with root?

    Hey guys! I have a rooted Nexus 5 (5.1.1). It doesn't have a custom recovery whatsoever, it's only rooted using Nexus Root Toolkit because I'm so lazy :D Now I've received an OTA system update. So the question is, can I update it or will it fail, or even worse, brick my N5 completely? I have...
  6. K

    Help With Mashmallow and Nova Launcher, no status bar?

    I upgraded to Marshmallow last night and use Nova launch (prime version). When I enable this launcher, I lose the status from all my screens -- no battery icon, connection icon, notification icons, ect. If I use the stock Google Now launcher, they are all there like normal. I can't seem to...
  7. noahj1102

    How accurate is battery life status?

    I've checked my phones battery with the *#*#4636#*#* code and the status is good. Now, I realize there are many factors that go into how a battery is performing. But I'm curious, specifically, is this fairly accurate for determining battery life? My Nexus was bought in 2013 and it seems...
  8. P

    Reduce SAR rating by disabling individual antennas?

    I was wondering if there was a way to lower the SAR rating of the Nexus 5 by disabling individual antennas. For example, if you're using AT&T, you can disable all but the 850 and 1900 MHz antennas. Is this possible with the Nexus 5?
  9. mistergoof

    Waiting for the 29th

    So whats the spec that you want to see. For me I want 64Gb storage
  10. thisISjoel

    Help Problems trying to flash factory image.

    Hey guys, trying to flash factory images on mine and my wife's nexus 5s, something I've done successfully many times before, but running into this error: Last login: Thu Sep 24 09:51:11 on ttys000 JOELs-MacBook-Air: platform-tools Joel$ ./fastboot devices 0655c5c62298549afastboot...
  11. Lana30

    Help Volume Has Gone Crazy

    Hi Friends, A friend of mine is having some volume issues. I think it is a stuck volume button, but I wanted to get everyone´s opinion. He said that the App volume reduces to near zero after about 15 seconds (for example, Stitcher). Turn the volume up again, and down it goes seconds later. He...
  12. darthlinux

    Root Update failing after root

    Hi, I have got a rooted Nexus 5 I haven't got a custom rom or anything its completely stock just rooted, I have just been notified I have a OTA update but if I try to install the update it fails, do you think it because of me been rooted and if so is there a way I can disable the OTA updates.
  13. jojo99

    Help Transferring files to Windows

    When I plug a USB cable from Windows 8.1 to my Nexus 5, nothing happens. I don't get a file explorer window showing the N5 as a pseudo disk drive any longer. A refresh in an open file explorer window does nothing. There does not seem to be anything I can do to make the N5 show up in Windows...
  14. Éanna

    Help WiFi causing wrong location on Google maps and other apps.

    Hi, I recently moved house and subsequently got a new WiFi set up. Ever since it was set up my phone now thinks I'm in a town about 200 miles away. I'm pretty sure its the WiFi that's caused it because my location is fine anywhere else. I know I can turn off WiFi location but most apps seem to...
  15. C

    Help Lollipop screwed me over

    Hi all, So frustrated! Here's the scenario: I have a Nexus 5 which had a logic board issue about a year ago and was no longer usable, so I switched to my Nexus 4. I lost my Nexus 4 last week, and decided to repair my Nexus 5, but since it was almost a year since I last used it, I forgot the...
  16. A

    Is Nexus 5 GSM only?

    I've been a long time user of a Blackberry phone under contract with Sprint, and I decided it's time to upgrade (although the BB is still working ok). So I decided to buy a Nexus 5 D820 on ebay, factory unlocked. For the carrier I am leaning toward Cricket, so I need a GSM phone. The Nexus 5 is...
  17. Annatar Smith

    Help Nexus 5 - Android File Transfer Problem

    My nexus 5 worked perfectly with Android File Transfer, and suddenly, about a week ago it stopped working, nothing has changed in that week, except that AFT was behaving in an unexpected manner and I force quit it several times. The device shows charging but no connection. When I open AFT, it...
  18. Lilly555

    Nexus5 (2015) Mobile by LG

    Anyone knows what is the exact release date of this upcoming Nexus 5 mobile made by LG?
  19. Gouled

    Root Flashing recovery locks my bootloader. Help!!!!

    Ok let me start from the beginning. My nexus 5 i had since release is now in a boot loop. Its stuck at the flying colour dots. So i flashed the stock recovery. I installed all the drivers and used the adb and fastboot tools. I unlocked my bootloader in the cmd right before flashing but something...
  20. Spec2nirvash

    How is marshmallow working for you?

    So I finally decided... Flashed a cut of Marshmallow PV2 to my Nexus 5. Had to do it, the Lollipop crap was getting kinda old, and I will admit, absolutely hated the experience. I credit CM12 for making it better, but then that was shattered with 12.1, again making it as sloppy as 5.0 when it...
  21. T

    Help Nexus Randomly Incompatible with Samsung Screenshots

    I'm running completely stock 5.1.1 all updates and stock texting app Hangout on AT&T. The issue is often I will get blank mms. After a lot of guessing and testing with my friends phones, we have narrow the problem down to Nexus randomly cannot view screenshots from my friends stock Samsungs...
  22. G

    Help Lollipop camera issues

    So ever since I received android lollipop 5.1 my camera will not open in any applications including the stock shooter. It simply brings up an error saying camera not available. With 5.1.1 I was really hoping this issue would be resolved but it hasnt. Any solutions or ideas as to what may be...
  23. DorSharabi

    Help Android dictionary aint working

    I litterally tried for 4-5 hours total and still can't figure it out! Back in the previous system update i could type words in hangout and whatsapp and press and the 3 dots "..." and then press again to add it to the vocabulary. this option no longer exist so i have to manully enter settings in...
  24. A

    Root After root, phone service not working.

    After I rooted my phone using wugfresh, my service with t-mobile didn't work anymore. When I make a phone call, I get "Airplane Mode is On" or "Service not available." I have to try calling 3-5 times before it connects me. I decided to follow Google's guide to download and reset Nexus 5 but no...
  25. M

    Help Answer hands free while driving.

    Is there a way to answer the Nexus5 phone hands free. For example while driving phone rings I can say "hello" or send to "Voice Mail". Also, obviously it needs to switch to speaker phone.