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  1. Android News

    Samsung shipped 95% of the OLELD displays sold this past quarter

    Samsung has dominated OLED shipments in 2016 so far. This past quarter, the company was responsible for 95% of the 91.3 million OLED displays that were sipped.
  2. Android News

    Samsung and LG ramp up OLED display production

    Samsung and LG are starting to invest a ton of money into OLED displays. Samsung has opened up a new $2.61 billion production plan. Meanwhile, LG is investing $8.7 billion in theirs. LG is expected to be able to make 60,000 more displays per month with the new expansions, which would let them...
  3. Android News

    Foxconn planning $1.8 billion Sharp OLED panels investment

    Now that Foxconn owns a majority share of Sharp, the company wants to invest $1.8 billion to update the company's display production capabilities so that it can start pushing out OLED panels by 2019. Naturally, Foxconn is hoping that Apple will be its main OLED display client, but there's plenty...
  4. Android News

    LG Officially Demos the Rollable OLED Display at CES

    LG's rollable display is something that a lot of people have been talking about since they announced it before CES started. It isn't full HD(1080p) but it is very close and it can roll down to 3 centimeters before being damaged. Not only that, but it can also be flexed in or out, so it's not...