Android 2.2 Review: A Deep, Delicious Dive Into Froyo - HotHardware?
Guys and Gals: We wil have a smoking hot product with the X when 2.2 comes in a few weeks. When 3.0 comes we will really be out front. Google is REALLY paying attention. 2.2 gives us a lot of the things that people have been asking for!! Kudos to Google.
Also, they have added a couple of new soft buttons at the very bottom of the screen for telephone and browser.
Guys and Gals: We wil have a smoking hot product with the X when 2.2 comes in a few weeks. When 3.0 comes we will really be out front. Google is REALLY paying attention. 2.2 gives us a lot of the things that people have been asking for!! Kudos to Google.
Also, they have added a couple of new soft buttons at the very bottom of the screen for telephone and browser.