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Help 2 Questions


Android Enthusiast
1- i started getting a low on space warning tried to clear the cache,still get this warning,is there a temporary folder that stores,maybe temp web files,program files, map files etc that can be safely deleted,i have most of my apps installed on my SD card,is there an app that will safely do this,not a cache cleaner,i searched on the market and only come up with cache cleaners,also in the ,mail app how can you mass delete emails without having to open everyone.

2- i am looking for a all in one widget that will toggle GPS Wifi,bluetooth,right from the home screen, not the indivdual ones you get from the market. any help would be appreciated thanks.
As for #2, the phone has a power control widget. Put your finger on an empty area in the menu screen (need to have 4 columns of free space to pull the wide widget in). Select Widgets from the Add to Home screen pop up menu. Scroll down and select Power Control. It has 5 buttons on it so it takes a couple of taps to turn them all on or off.
As for #2, the phone has a power control widget. Put your finger on an empty area in the menu screen (need to have 4 columns of free space to pull the wide widget in). Select Widgets from the Add to Home screen pop up menu. Scroll down and select Power Control. It has 5 buttons on it so it takes a couple of taps to turn them all on or off.

Thank you, i never knew that,it is exactly what i needed.
please i need advice on my first question,as this issue is preventing me from getting any text messages,one other thought when you get emails does the phone download the email to the internal storage.and where, and if i delete it from the app, does it delete it from internal storage.
Take a look at Settings Menu, Applications, Manage Applications, Switch to Running tab.

Check the maps ap. Maybe that has a large cache to be cleared. The email ap might have a cache to be cleared also. And of course the browser cache.
Take a look at Settings Menu, Applications, Manage Applications, Switch to Running tab.

Check the maps ap. Maybe that has a large cache to be cleared. The email ap might have a cache to be cleared also. And of course the browser cache.

I have done that,even though the cache size is not that bad,i had to use the clear data folder,but what happens when you do that is return the apps to their default settings,you then have to reconfigure the app.you lose all the settings,what gets me is i cannot figure out what is using the internal space i have almost every app installed on the SD card,and there is still a ton of space there,i love the phone but what good is it if i cannot get messages,or emails,literally as soon as i deleted the data folders i got a bunch of texts messages and emails that where old.i cannot keep doing that clear folder option.i am using an app called aCCleaner,and at the bottom it is telling me have a total of 178.88 mb and only 54 mb left,what the hell is using up this storage space.
Check out DiskUsage, it has a very nice visual to display both internal and sd card space and apps using.
Very small footprint.
Check out DiskUsage, it has a very nice visual to display both internal and sd card space and apps using.
Very small footprint.

nice but it say apps are using 101 MB but like i said most of my apps are on the SD Card,also system data is using 26 mb,i being a pc tech know on a computer anyway a lot of the files are junk and not needed,it is nice to be able to see the disc usage,but is their an app that can scan the files and give you the option to safely delete them,almost like a disc cleanup in Windows operating system,hell i will even pay for it,180 mb of internal storage is not much,if these temp files and not needed data files cannot be deleted.
well, you will be able to uninstall the preloaded unnecessary apps and you will also be able to wipe your dalvik-cache which gets rid of any leftovers from uninstalled apps & rebuilds the list when you reboot so you may gain some space that way as well.
nice but it say apps are using 101 MB but like i said most of my apps are on the SD Card,also system data is using 26 mb,i being a pc tech know on a computer anyway a lot of the files are junk and not needed,it is nice to be able to see the disc usage,but is their an app that can scan the files and give you the option to safely delete them,almost like a disc cleanup in Windows operating system,hell i will even pay for it,180 mb of internal storage is not much,if these temp files and not needed data files cannot be deleted.

But the app lets you see whats on and using the internal space, and that is your concern, I think?
And it does bring it back the problem we talked about before.
If we have this limited space, then why does Sprint/VM install apps on the phone we cannot remove yet they are taking up this valuable space?
well, you will be able to uninstall the preloaded unnecessary apps and you will also be able to wipe your dalvik-cache which gets rid of any leftovers from uninstalled apps & rebuilds the list when you reboot so you may gain some space that way as well.

So you are saying is their is no way to delete the dalvik cach unless you root the phone,the reason VM uses the pre installed apps are for advertising which keeps the price of the phone down,but they could have bumped up the internal storage to 1 GB,or even 512,but to put 180 mb on a android smartpone and wave 1000's of apps at you, was not a good idea.
The only way I know of to wipe the dalvik cache is through the custom recovery or through a tool like root explorer which allows r/w permissions to the data folder so you can manually delete the dalvik-cache folder and then reboot the phone. If you do it manually it can be a bit scary the first time as you are met with every force-close in the book before you can reboot your phone. But either way does the job.
So you are saying is their is no way to delete the dalvik cach unless you root the phone,the reason VM uses the pre installed apps are for advertising which keeps the price of the phone down,but they could have bumped up the internal storage to 1 GB,or even 512,but to put 180 mb on a android smartpone and wave 1000's of apps at you, was not a good idea.

I agree, but then again it is a $100 - $150 phone.
I like it and especially the no contract $25 per month plan:)
The only way I know of to wipe the dalvik cache is through the custom recovery or through a tool like root explorer which allows r/w permissions to the data folder so you can manually delete the dalvik-cache folder and then reboot the phone. If you do it manually it can be a bit scary the first time as you are met with every force-close in the book before you can reboot your phone. But either way does the job.

Can this tool be use without rooting,and it in noway makes the phone a temporary paperweight,or effect your stored contacts or other info.that is needed thanks to all for the advice and help.
2- i am looking for a all in one widget that will toggle GPS Wifi,bluetooth,right from the home screen, not the indivdual ones you get from the market. any help would be appreciated thanks.

re:#2.... I've found Quick Battery and Quick Settings to be very good. Download and install both, and then add the QB widget. QB is a widget only, so after installing you won't see it in your Apps list. Long press on a home screen and add the QB widget. Once you add it, you can set it so that when you touch it, it will automatically go to Quick Settings. In Quick Settings you can quickly access and adjust your main settings, including WiFi, GPS, 3g.

So far, I'm really please with these apps (both free).
There is a hidden file .Trashes on the SD card that I emptied, you need to put it into USB mode and then enable hidden files on your computer and you will be able to see it on the SD card.

Not sure if their is a program that does this or not.

Heres how you do it in windows 7


and on a mac

Open terminal and type
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

To turn off hidden files mac

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder

When I did this I had a few apps and files that were in the trash taking up space, I got 350mb back by emptying it out.
So you are saying is their is no way to delete the dalvik cach unless you root the phone,the reason VM uses the pre installed apps are for advertising which keeps the price of the phone down,but they could have bumped up the internal storage to 1 GB,or even 512,but to put 180 mb on a android smartpone and wave 1000's of apps at you, was not a good idea.

It's a limit of most low and mid-range smartphones...the V has 512MB of RAM, but only 160MB to store apps internally. If you want more space, you have to buy a more expensive phone.
I'm having almost the same low storage problem too. I moved every app I can to SD, I don't have many apps as it is. I cleared every cache, and still low space. Phone is not rooted, and am pretty new to the android system. Any other suggestions??
I'm not sure if you guys are against rooting your phones, but I would recommend Link2SD. I just started using this and I went from having less that 20 MB free to 101 MB free. I'm using the 2GB card that came with the OV and it's working great for me.
Just a thought, have you deleted excess texts and set limits on text per conversation. Also emptying old e-mails fom your e-mail trash folder can free up some space.

Hope that helps!
i had a question if i start to type someones name in the dial thing why wont it take me to the contact


666 is mom
my old android phone did this, however this one does not
i had a question
Protip: Start a new thread for a new question such as this and it much more likely to be answered in a timely manner.

if i start to type someones name in the dial thing why wont it take me to the contact


666 is mom
my old android phone did this, however this one does not
What model? What version of Android (if you know)? I am not familiar with that many versions of Android (and even less familiar with custom dialers), but I
Protip: Start a new thread for a new question such as this and it much more likely to be answered in a timely manner.

What model? What version of Android (if you know)? I am not familiar with that many versions of Android (and even less familiar with custom dialers), but I
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