zuben el genub
Extreme Android User
How do you not have choices on Windows?
I'm using XP on laptop. Since 98 I have NOT been able to get rid of IE. I don't run any windows stuff except the OS so I don't need or want it. I also can't get rid of OE, and a few other POS that I can't, don't and won't use. I have a tech do the service updates. Windows Security is turned off. I have other security software that I much prefer.
If the EU could have a choice, so could I.
The desktop is a 2 separate hard drive dual boot. Neither drive will slave to the other.
With the new MS ads about being everything to everyone - Bye MS.
I'll just keep my Photoshop/Illustrator/Indesign and Designers Gallery software on OFFLINE boxes. I don't need to upgrade either.
Also, a lot of stuff for Windows wants to call home all the time. My HP laserjet complained all the time since it couldn't connect on the Adobe box.
I finally found that bit and deleted it. No more complaints from HP. So did one of the Photosmarts.
I just think the OS should stay in the background and run what YOU want instead of what most think you need.
I got totally miffed when banks insisted on IE6. I used Netscape and Opera. Now some of the banking idiots know nothing about any Linux distros.
I've also seen it recommended to do your banking on Linux from a CD.
Apparently there's a new virus/trojan that can cause real problems.