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I live in a small town in Illinois called Mendota. it's got about 7600 people. The cell phone service is decent, I get strong reception in some spots. I used to get at LEAST one bar of 3G at home, if not 2 or sometimes 3. After the CM7 ROM came outwith the 3G fix, I installed it. Now, I never have any 3G, and if I do, it's not even a bar. I get around 2 bars of 1X or Edge, whatever it's called. it's frustrating and I miss my 3G. I can't remember exactly if my 3G was fine before the ROM, but I wanna say that it was. Is there some sort of fix for it? Some way to revert the 3G fix since it doesn't seem to help me? Or is there another problem? A little insight would be great, thanks.


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