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Android Expert
Feb 4, 2012
Can't help but notice that selecting 3g under Mobile Networks > Preferred Network (on CM 12.1) just bumps you to H/H+, not actually 3g. 2g works on putting you to the Edge network (as it should) and of course LTE. But no 3g connectivity?
Why am I asking? Well I argued with 3 reps (2 in store, 1 on phone) about being told that once I used my 4g data allotment I would be running on 3g data as Metro does not have 2g capabilities. Yet I've used my LTE data and speeds are MUCH slower than 3g is supposed to be.
Since I'm on CM and don't want to go back to stock just to check, can anyone else confirm this case on stock? I don't wanna feel like I'm nuts here, but I am VERY tech savvy and I know my sh!t
Can't help but notice that selecting 3g under Mobile Networks > Preferred Network (on CM 12.1) just bumps you to H/H+, not actually 3g. 2g works on putting you to the Edge network (as it should) and of course LTE. But no 3g connectivity?
Why am I asking? Well I argued with 3 reps (2 in store, 1 on phone) about being told that once I used my 4g data allotment I would be running on 3g data as Metro does not have 2g capabilities. Yet I've used my LTE data and speeds are MUCH slower than 3g is supposed to be.
Since I'm on CM and don't want to go back to stock just to check, can anyone else confirm this case on stock? I don't wanna feel like I'm nuts here, but I am VERY tech savvy and I know my sh!t

Okay so.. H+ is actually 3g advanced. When you hit your allotment, they simply throttle you to 2g speeds.
Its important to note that hsupa or hspa is 3g. Tmobile just upgraded it.
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Okay so.. H+ is actually 3g advanced. When you hit your allotment, they simply throttle you to 2g speeds.
Its important to note that hsupa or hspa is 3g. Tmobile just upgraded it.
I know all of this. I was asking because I simply cannot believe that the reps would bold faced LIE about their service. SMFH, if I was only able to renew my $60 plan when I paid my bill I would have been set! 6mbs legit download speeds?! Sign me up! I know for a fact 3g speeds can go upwards of 200kbs actual download speeds. Not this 15kbs max crap.
EFF Metro in the A
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