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5.0 ftw!

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Well-Known Member
sorry but i was on an iphone 4s for a bit when i took a break from the nexus :( it was ok but im so much happier to be on my n4. one of the biggest things i hate about apple is the way they treat their customers. theres a lot of controversy over older devices slowing down but mainstream media will cop out saying "oh its just because the old hardware can't handle the new software" - half true, though because if you reverse engineer the IPSW files, you can see that they put in random delay loops in animation for the older device!! and its not like they never tested the new ios on their own old iphones, they know it runs slow and intentionally push the update so people will either update and get frustrated and buy a new phone, or constantly be annoyed by the update notification.

i ran my iphone 4s on ios 8 against a iphone 4s on ios 7... the bench mark was almost exact +/- few points...but side by side in use you can see the ios 8 4s felt SO MUCH SLOWER.

and its sad cus the apple community has very talented people, and it doesn't take a masters degree to put 2 and 2 together, but they still stand by the companie's cop outs...almost as if they aren't tech heads at all...hm.. omg what if all the people out there that make vids on jailbreaking and etc, are actually just apple salesmen in disguise?? it all makes sense now. I left the iphoneforums because if you even say 1 little thing you don't like about iphones (and i said it as politely and delicately as i could sandwiched between 2 things i like about iphone, the thread turns to 5 pages and the entire forum tears you up) - apple products are the blind leading the blind, im going to be happy with my neuxus 4, and save my money for cooler things and not be constantly stressed by societies never ending vanity race.

but this world is both good and bad, because i have seen people on iphone forums that were mac from day 1 saying "hey i just got a nexus 5, and sorry but im gotta jump ship...iPhone 6 imma let you finish, but android has had all your new features years ago."

sorry for running off track, this is a very sensitive issue to me and i just hate apple so much and all the people who use it as a vanity point and everyone just follows blindly, but glad to say im back on my 2012 nexus 4 and just updated to 5.0.1, loving it so far, love how they Incorporated a lot of the things i used third party apps for, into the OS :D
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