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5G - Is it too early?

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Not many areas have 5G right now, but if you want to keep it several years it could be good for future proofing.

Does it have all the 5G bands carries will use, or are the phones 5G bands not known yet?
I reckon that 5G phone still sell because they are backward compatible with 4G network :)
And "4G" was really 3.5G until they all got on board. 5G will probably compete against cable companies more than impact the phone market.
I too would wait, as you know when something new comes out it's usually premature and too quick. I guess learning curves are required and guinea pigs, LOL
We know that the first 5G phones will have a separate chip for the 5G, so will cost more and have lower battery life. We don't know much else, but those 2 are a given.

Coverage will be limited, and I'm sure the networks will want to charge more for the privilege of accessing it because they did for LTE (let's not talk about those US carriers who decided to lie and call HSDPA+ "4G").

So overall I'm 99.5% sure that I'm passing this year.
Unless you're on Verizon in 4 cities - using a Moto Z3 and the add on - or the new when it hits LG device I don't know of another device out there with the 5G chip and software. Apple passed on it this year too. Maybe the new samsung 10 I guess.

Anywho. Other than a few test markets that have the 5G actually hardware there isn't much to have. Also initially it won't be much faster than the current crop of 4GLTE+ devices.

I don't know that Tmobile has hardware for 5 g in the US (and I mean the tower not the mobile)

SO I would wait atleast a year. I was planning to anyway untill I broke my ruddy phone and had to get a new one.
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