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A couple of questions


Aug 6, 2010
Ok i have a Desire Hd and i think it is awesome but just have a couple of questions:

1: Does anybody elses camera lens look a little off centre when you look at it on the phone? (the sensor rather than lens i believe)

2: I thought it was powered by TomTom maps but mine says in the bottom of the map powered by route 66?

3: Do we really have to pay for voice guided navigation now after google made such a big deal about it being free? Anyone in uk get a voucher code included in the box to enable this?

4: Lastly (for now probably) In settings under LOCATION does anybody know what the 'Integrate Google Navigation' option is? It is unchecked by default and i cant find in the manual anything about it.

Ok thanks for taking time to read this and your answers will be much appreciated. Thank You. Great Forum.


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