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Help A couple problems I face with the Desire Z

I use SMS Backup+ which is free.

Another issue - it seems that HTC Stocks is using a lot of my data bandwidth, as evidenced from data presented in the PhoneUsage app. The largest chunk of my data is by "Stocks", followed by FriendStream and Plurk. I don't mind Friendstream since I use it, but I never ever use Stocks...how can I disable this?

Can anyone confirm this?

Open Stocks and then tap on Menu | Settings. There you can disable syncing. Also, ensure that you do not have a Stocks widget up. Remove any Stocks widgets you may have on any of your home screens.
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Neg, that's a double-tap on the SPACE giving the ". " end-of-sentence combo. That's by design and is also a feature on HTC software keyboards.
I understand that, but the thing is, I'm only tapping the SPACE once. It's really pissing me off now because I type a lot on my phone.

Sometimes I notice that the Shift, SYM and comma keys don't work until they're pressed really hard too. Love the phone but when I'm writing a lot, it kinda gets frustrating.
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Has anyone gotten any help with the texting problem #2 (screen moving up)? This one is really starting to piss me off!! I have seen this problem on several websites, but no clear answer on how to fix. I just bought my phone about 1 week ago.

Thanks in advance for any help to keep my sanity.

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Has anyone gotten any help with the texting problem #2 (screen moving up)? This one is really starting to piss me off!! I have seen this problem on several websites, but no clear answer on how to fix. I just bought my phone about 1 week ago.

Thanks in advance for any help to keep my sanity.


It seems this problem is associated with the optical track pad. When at home, I sit with my back facing a window. During the day time, I noticed that my track pad acts up and scrolls by itself from time to time. This does not happen at night. My personal workaround is to turn my body so my back (or front of the phone) no longer faces the window or cover the optical track pad with a finger. Not really convenient sometimes, but it seems to be effective.

It seems that if I can cover up the track pad and prevent a lot of light from hitting it, I can prevent the problem. I haven't gotten as far as putting a piece of paper or tape to cover it up yet. It doesn't happen often enough to annoy me so far. However, with daylight savings time just starting last month, it stays light out later at night and this problem may crop up more frequently.
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A smaller issue I've found is writing a comma followed by a space, both in messages and emails - they end up the wrong way round in the message. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has noticed it.

Hey there. I know this thread's been quiet for a while, just wanted to drop a line that yes indeed, I'm also experiencing the exact same thing. May also be because I type fast (third keyboard phone), but still, should not happen normally :-/

As for the other texting problems: yes, those are annoying. As for the random deletions: only happened to me once, use two backup apps now (one backs up to gmail, very cute, and the other one automatically makes a back up every night). As for the scrolling up: I decided to switch to HandCent. That has worked well for me so far, and had the added advantage that they provided a quick popup for new texts allowing you to reply immediately, which saves some time. However, since a recent update (I guess), in the quick reply messages, I have to press the 'Sym' key before I can alter keys with 'Fn'. Very weird. After I pressed the 'Sym' key, it works normally. But I'm hoping they'll just fix it soon :)
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Hey there. I know this thread's been quiet for a while, just wanted to drop a line that yes indeed, I'm also experiencing the exact same thing. May also be because I type fast (third keyboard phone), but still, should not happen normally :-/
In a selfish way, I'm glad it's not just me - you have to have let go of the comma before you hit the space, and I haven't been able to retrain myself in two-thumbed typing to manage this yet. Perhaps it's something that could be fixed in an update, if a few of us report it to HTC:
HTC - Support - Customer Service - Support via e-Mail
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Hmm, yeah, that seems to be the key (hehe): releasing the comma before pressing space. Funny that apparently, I didn't use to.

I'll try to switch to using the spacebar with my left thumb, instead of my right thumb. That should solve it. If I manage :)

Why, by the way, did HTC include two FN and shift keys? Does anybody use both? I only use the leftmost ones, for some reason.

PS: submitted a request to HTC, just in case :)
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I know this is an old thread but to anyone that is experiencing their messages being wiped/deleted, do you have a task-killer installed? If so, get rid of it. I was having the problem and someone said it was due to ATK task killer... Sure enough, it has never happened again, so I assumed that person was correct.
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I know this is an old thread but to anyone that is experiencing their messages being wiped/deleted, do you have a task-killer installed? If so, get rid of it. I was having the problem and someone said it was due to ATK task killer... Sure enough, it has never happened again, so I assumed that person was correct.
Nope, no task killer for me... and it happened to a friend who had hardly installed anything from Android Market. I'd keep backing up your messages just in case, it always seems to happen when you've forgotten about the problem and are least expecting it.

Remember to send HTC lots of messages, people :) possibly include a link to this thread too...
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