Me forits mostly butt, I mean, a nice booty is something nice to grab on too. I mean, diring intercourse, in certain positions, the booty is just something you and grab onto, and wooo!
But I also like a nice rack. For me, size is generally a bit moot. A big rack with no perkiness is.. unattractive. Perky over size any day of the week..
Luckily, my fiance has a great booty and a great rack, but in all honesty, its her personality I fell in love with. As mushy and cliche as it sounds, if your going to spend your life with someone, you have to realize its not about looks, its about someone you can adore, and spend your life with without being annoyyed all the time. We all get ugly someday.
Luckily, my fiance is very cute(not the hottest girl I've ever seen) but I'm in love with everything she is and stands for, and she reminds me to look for the good in people which is the exact opposite of my outlook on the general populus. We are polar opposites, and I wouldn't have it any other way.