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Help adobe Flash player & facebook pop-up?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
Can anyone tell me if there's an app where i can get Flash player?

I like to get to see my local weather videos and can't get it due to NO adobe flash player? Will this be something we'll have with 2.1? If so I guess I could wait?

As for facebook? How do I get to alert me in pop-up format when i get a message or replied to in facebook?
I tried in settings and can't seem to see anything that i can tab for it to pop-up?

The only way is when i recieve an email update, and there it shows someone replied to you in facebook or requested you as a friend? Along with email?

I would like to see that pop-up like my email, text, etc. but from facebook alone if possible....


That will make "For a Happy wife" Is a happy Life";)
In the weather app for the weather channel hit menu and click on video, there you can see the local weather video for any city you have added to your locations.

as for facebook you can only get notifications for direct messages, pokes, friends request and invites. Open facebook and check your settings by hitting menu on your phone
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