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Help advertisment hi-jacker

I have a remote user who stated they were getting error 67 pretty often on a Sprint CDMA Hero.

I need to state remote user, as he lives in the other side of the country and I have no physical access to his device.

Then they also stated that they were able to use the browser for a few minutes, then they would be automatically directed to a URL that would display a message of "You do not have a license key necessary to browse the Internet-click here"

Clicking on the link will display a Paypal payment screen.

I had the user run a virus scan, he had AVG antivirus pro. IT found an 'advertisement hi-jacker'

To this point the user claims he never attached the phone to his computer, so we thought he was through a download on the phone.

He had the virus program clear the hi jacaker and the error 67 messages stops and he reported no more re-directs, everything seemed fine.

However, a few days later he attached the phone to his computer and claims that caused damage to his operating system- essentially the SD card still had some sort of malware and/or virus on it that spread to his computer. I don't know what files he moved around from or to the SD card.

I just wanted to know if there was more information on this; I've tried searching but haven't found anything concrete. Thank you.
I have a remote user who stated they were getting error 67 pretty often on a Sprint CDMA Hero.

I need to state remote user, as he lives in the other side of the country and I have no physical access to his device.

Then they also stated that they were able to use the browser for a few minutes, then they would be automatically directed to a URL that would display a message of "You do not have a license key necessary to browse the Internet-click here"

Clicking on the link will display a Paypal payment screen.
I had the user run a virus scan, he had AVG antivirus pro. IT found an 'advertisement hi-jacker'

To this point the user claims he never attached the phone to his computer, so we thought he was through a download on the phone.

He had the virus program clear the hi jacaker and the error 67 messages stops and he reported no more re-directs, everything seemed fine.

However, a few days later he attached the phone to his computer and claims that caused damage to his operating system- essentially the SD card still had some sort of malware and/or virus on it that spread to his computer. I don't know what files he moved around from or to the SD card.

I just wanted to know if there was more information on this; I've tried searching but haven't found anything concrete. Thank you.

With all the sandboxes and such it would be pretty damn hard for android to inject windows
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The whole thing would be understandable if the dubious message, the AVG program, and so on were on the desktop and all this happened while they were tethering to the phone to access the web...then it would simply be a matter of picking up an ordinary Windows browser hijacker, and perhaps other Windows malware. Is there any possibility that is what happened?
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