You're welcome! It's quick and easy, right? I can't believe some of the hoops other people are jumping through!
You're welcome! It's quick and easy, right? I can't believe some of the hoops other people are jumping through!
Yes, It's so much easier that having a separate image converter app and the hassle going size convert app. In fact , I remember you mentioning this to me on another thread but put it on the back burner, pursuing other endeavors.
After, I've always used an android app called "APKTool X " which is very time consuming when decompiling and recompiling the apk. Sometimes after recompiling the apk will results in an error and thus unusable.
After I ported the sec.settings set chmods folder and file permissions, rebooted without issues. It occurred to me to try the same thing using another app called ZAchiver, an app I use mainly to open up flashable .zip and add or delete software. I had no idea it has the ability to open up android apps as easily and as quickly as it opens up .zips.
With ZArchiver simply long press sec.setting and choose " open as archive" and literally 1/2 a second and Im in the apk software. Not only that but delete ,copy past without all the hassle of APKTool X.
Notice the time in the header of image (1) and compare it to image (2).
Image (1)
Image (2).
I'm going to post back with the time it takes with APKTool X from with the time it takes to decompile and the time it takes to recompile. OMG!! It took less time for me to take a single screenshot than it took ZArchiver to get me into the apk files.
Replaced the sec.setting moded with APKTool X and replaced it with ZArchiver moded sec.settings basically all else equal just different apps to mod.
No big deal, just replacing a drawable as Im sure there are at least two developers who indulge me. Thanks