I look at the man right in his face, and in the process, I move my arm ever so slightly, which reveals my six shooter strapped to my waist. "You can't do any better? This rifle has seen a lot of action. I must have killed.... six men with it on the way here. And you know, how about you give me fifty rifle rounds for these six shooter ammo boxes. That's a fair trade. I'd hate to get ripped off by someone this early in the morning. I haven't even had a drink yet," I saw with a slight smile to my face.
Not sure if this kinda action requires a roll of some sort, but it seems funny to me - so I went for it.
Looking at T'res "I want you to leave. I know that isn't an enchanted vest and if you don't leave don't expect anyone here to do business with any of your friends"
Looking at Cain "Let me know what you want to do son. If you want to sell the ammo I will give you a fair price but I still expect to make a profit on what I buy, if you want to exchange them I will give you the fair rate which is 2 to 1 you give me 2 I will give you 1. I can sell each of those shells for 1/2 a GC each and I can buy them at the same price I offered you from a wholesaler. I sell my rifle shells at 1 GC each so I will exchange them for rifle shells for equal amounts or buy them at the price I pay"
Looking at Smith "A lightsaber really. You got 2 friends one trying to hoax me into buying a imitation vest and the other arguing about the price of ammo I am sure you don't have enough GC for a flippin lightsaber" he starts to laugh "but in the event you do I will sell it to you wholesale price 20,000 GC hell I will even take a loss and sell it to you for 18,000 to prove I am a nice guy if you got the money"
Looking back at T'res "Boy I don't want to tell you again get out. Don't think I don't know who you are" He turns his head to the side to expose the bite marks that indicate he is a member of the COTD "and I could really use the money your ugly mug would fetch with some of my superiors"
"Okay, let's deal on the ammo," I say to him quickly, "But I think this rifle is worth more than 25 GC, in fact, a man at the docks was just complementing me on it, not to mention the pirates back there that are now floating in the sea."
He takes the 100 rounds and gives you 50.
"Rifle is worth more than 25 I can sell it for 50. I can get one just like it for 25. If a man at the docks is offering you more feel free to sell it to him makes no difference to me"
Looking at Smith "I like you sir, I don't have any "light daggers" unless you are talking about something like this" he pulls out a lightweight dagger "but I suspect that isn't what you are looking for. I tell you what I will give your friend here 40 for that rifle just because you are funny"
"You got any whips? Maybe one of those that carry electrical charges? The kind you have a number of charges and then you have to recharge it. I got a couple hundred creds and I want something neat and fun."
T'res is able to find a bicycle shop. They have bikes there, some have training wheels others do not.
The man at the shop gives 40GC to Cain and takes the rifle. He looks at Smith "I think I can get just what you want but it will take a few days. I can get you a whip that you can 'channel' a spell through if you know how to use arcane spells but it costs 1000 GC and I would need half up front. I could have it in 3 days"
"How about I give you 250 and all these vests and weapons, including the one you took from my friend who is a pathological liar? Then pay 400 when I pick it up?"
How many weapons/vests are left? I will change this response if it isn't much.
I don't think it is enough, and I don't know how many your character carried with you he would pay at most 40/vest and this isn't one of his normal wares
The man at the shop looks at Smith "I am sorry sir, I can't make a deal like that, I've got a friend who can make that whip for you but I can't talk her down, in fact I wouldn't be making any sort of profit on the whip selling it to you like that just be passing my discount with her along to you"
"Ohh yeah... ,do me a favor Cain , Tell that trader unless he coughs up 100 GC ,he is going to be hunted tonight by the shadow.Also tell him ,to keep his bluff about superiors to himself .The vest was enchanted but in a different way .Will tell you more after my deal here .I need some more money for weapons "
"Fine .I will speak with Jincha .Give him this Leaf"
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