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Root after .340 ota

I was wondering which sbf I want after taking the .340 ota. I just came from 2.3.15 with apex, and I would like to know if there is a safety net for .340. I've seen a .320 and a .340 system only, I'm just wondering which one (if either) will save me if I screw up. Sorry if this has been answered already.
Your best bet is to use the 320 sbf to enable you to restore a nandroid backup.

You do NOT want to restore a nandroid created prior to your 340 OTA tho! (Delete those puppies after you install the OTA!)

What will happen if you flash a 2.2.320 backup over a 2.2.340? Ive heard there is very little different,and nothing will happen.In fact it may be something as small as Madden...thats about it..if this is wrong..I apologize.I SBFed a .320 over a .340 OTA without a problem...then i made a backup....then i loaded apex 1.3.1-which updated me to 2.2.340....so Id like to confirm I can still go back to my 2.2.320 stock ROM if needed...(I thought I could until I read this).
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