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Help After charging, My phone will not turn on?

=/ its t-mobile. it happened after charging, but its already out of warranty, i bought another battery, charger 5v 1a, when i plug usb this red led lights... try power on, the same light, plug charge, the same thing... some time ago a strange name appeared while connected usb without battery, tried the step to revert to another mode but nothing...
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All right, I think you may get better assistance in your device forum as others there can help out.
If you like, we can move your posts into that forum for you:)
Here is your device forum if you want to check it out:
T-Mobile MyTouch Slide 4G - Android Forums

Like I said, we can move ya over there if you desire. :) No worries!
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I resolved the prob ! Ive followed the QHSUSB_DLOAD Fix tips from unlimited.io (praises to him) but i made some changes =]. Right after i used the command "sudo ./PblClear" i did the "Wire trick" with the battery inserted and bang! error repaired and orange light back to life, I removed the battery and re-insert and the orange light started to blink . it took almost all my night XD. thx for the support. hope it can help more people.
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