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Amazing Story

For years & years we've been paying €180 for 3 cell phone plans which included 4GBs a month download & unlimited voice & SMS..... We finally wrote our cancelation letter to end the contract and eventually Vodafone took notice and called to see if there was 'anything' they could do to retain us as a customer......We said sure, lower our monthly fees - Nope! They told us we were locked into that outrageous monthly fee - So we stuck to our cancelation letter.....

Finally two weeks before our contract was to end, Vodafone called again - This time they offered us a 'ONE TIME ONLY' monthly rate of €9.99 for UNLIMITED Data, Voice & Text.... So from €180/3 to €29.97/3 with unlimited everything - We locked into a 4 year contract as the Vodafone coverage area is the best in Germany.....

Point of the story - Don't let them BS you. Stick to your guns & they will eventually start treating you right.
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