Anyone have Netflix working on ICS 4.0.3? -
see post 12 and on...this is the exact problem ive been having with netflix, even before the issues started with your new firmware. which i now get video with. no audio. and video only plays for a couple of minutes then cuts just like this other post says. and i gotta beg you, don't jump off M1 yet! im two features away from perfection! netflix, and the sleep mode. and with the sleep mode, does amlogic android have display sleep like other devices? cos thats all i really want back. videoplayer gets wakelock on screen, then movie ends, then unit puts display to sleep after X time, then my projector can auto sleep. and im still pluggin away the ac3 problem. i had it working at one point and not DTS, then the other day i got DTS and no ac3, so i've had it working. i'll keep trying all the .bin files i got cos one of them worked great!
Official ICS 4.0 by Zenithink (Beta ROM 1224) - - Page 10
post #185 or so...says they got ac3 fixed! wtf?
Yeah, I know for that... that was the way to fix ac3 in my GB release, to install ac3 license file. Problem is that our ICS bootloader and kernel can't load/save ac3 license. In gb you install license by putting license.efuse to root of your sdcard and adding --set_efuse_audio=1 to factory_update_param.aml for license to be installed with update. On ICS files (bootloader and kernel) it just doesn't work...
Content of license.efuse (text) file: 00000011
Yep, that's license file

And no, I'm not abandoning m1, don't worry. Just need day or two to see how all this works on m3. M3 device will actually be selling device, so I have to test stuff on M3 too