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Android, apps, and the out-of-the-box experience

I love my Vibrant to be sure. Maybe even a little too much. :)
But one of the things that really struck me as lacking - and for no good reason - was that most of the basic default apps were quite bad compared to what's available on the market. What I don't understand is how can Google be so easily shown up by indie app developers. And why would they want to put such sub-par apps on their phones when the competition (Apple) is clearly outshining them in this respect.

Examples would be the music player (FYI, still no gapless playback for android at all anywhere), the podcast client, the web browser (not too bad though), the alarm clock (there's a free version that rocks!)

And finally, would it maybe be in Google's best interest to hire or at least buy these dev's apps. After all they're doing better work than Google.


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