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Android-friendly Hands-free for the car?



My New Year's resolution is to stop texting while driving. Texting with my thumbs, that is. I installed drivesafe.ly to listen to and respond to texts via voice. I don't have bluetooth/hands-free in my car, but I would like to have a system installed. I like how the Parrot system works, and user ratings seem very high, but I see it's designed for iPod and iPhone (bleh).

Do you know of anything like this that's made to work with Android phones?

I'm not sure of any good programs but kudo's to you for wanting the change! Texting while driving is seriously worse then driving drunk IMO.

If I receive a text while I'm driving, I wait until I'm stopped to answer or read. I hope you can stay off your phone completely while driving. In even just a few seconds, you could have a real disaster on your hands.

Good Luck,
Thanks for the encouragement, Baiken! I'm on day 4 now and it's been pretty difficult to make the change, but I'm doing ok so far.

One problem with drivesafe.ly is that I can't initiate a text with it - I can only respond if one comes in. Yesterday a text came in and I was so excited to respond, but the software screwed up and kept saying something like "I cannot understand you. Please repeat your message." - over and over very quickly, without leaving time for me to respond. It was frustrating, but I successfully resisted the urge to pick up the phone and respond to the text with my thumbs. I just held the power button to turn the phone off.

I've gotten so accustomed to multi-tasking while in the car - I feel very antsy and BORED without texting/communicating like I used to. I've been tuning into NPR to keep my mind active, and that seems to help a little.

Anyway, sorry to ramble on and on. Thanks again for supporting my choice to stop texting while driving! :)
Download Vlingo. You just launch their car dock, and when you want to text you say "hey vlingo." It says "what would you like to do" and you say "text Joe Blow mobile I will be there in 10 minutes" :)

also, It's free and that is only one of it's handsfree uses.
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