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Help Android Issue: Phone not downloading pic after receiving the text messqage

I had this problem with my EVO and now my Galaxy S2. I sometimes turn my data off to save battery and my friends will send a pic message during this time and when I turn the data back on it will literally take days for the pictures to actually download and show up. How in the hell can I remedy this situation. It is obviously an Android issue since it has happened on the 2 different phones. Please someone help. Thanks!!
I've had the picture not download even with the damn 3G turned on!! Literally 3 days later the picture will show up! Weak! Sprint has slow ass 3G which I think has something to do with it, but why the phone doesnt start downloading the pic once you turn your data back on is ridiculous. SOMEONE NEEDS TO COME ON HERE RIGHT NOW AND TELL ME A REMEDY FOR THIS ANNOYING ISSUE!!! I need to get the pornographic and racist picture texts that my friends send me! HAHAHA! But seriously is there anyone out there in the World Wide Web that knows how to FIX THIS STUPID ISSUE???
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i had the same issue...and i researched and someone came up with this solution and it worked for me. go into your messaging app and into settings. in settings UNCHECK auto-retrieve under MMS. what this does is give you the download button in the MMS text and allows you to download it yourself. it may not be the best solution but it helped me out. hope that helps
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