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Android limiting CPU all of a sudden

Sunny Rio

Android Enthusiast
  • Dec 4, 2020
    I run Boinc (scientific distributed computing) on my Android phone (version 12). A few months ago, it suddenly makes Boinc run half speed (Boinc's own reporting system). I'm running one program on each core, and each one is showing 50% usage, used to be 100%. The phone is cool. It used to be warm. So it's not overheating, and is clearly doing less work. Any ideas what might cause this? I know the OS tends to interfere if you're "overloading" the system. The phone has no problems running anything else like games. If I tell Boinc to use 4 cores out of 8, they are fully used. But I used to be able to run 8.
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    i am not familiar with the app. i do not think there is a setting or anything on your phone that you can tweek to make it run better. is the app up to date? it does not appear in the play store. do they have an android 12 version?

    you can also post something on their message board:BOINC Message boards

    the only thing i can think of is doing a hard reset, but that seems kind of drastic with no guarantee that it will work.
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