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Android On a Router?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 21, 2012
Me and a friend where talking tonight when suddenly I noticed that our routers are Linux based. Which got me thinking could you load Android on a router? I asked him about it and he was like me intrigued but really had no earthly idea.

I know the specs of my router I am using right now are 400mhz with 32mbs of memory.

I gotta admit more or less I am just really curious. Has anyone ever heard of someone trying to install Android on a non android type device? Other then Raspberry Pi obviously =p.

I am also guessing with a little modding and some creativity you could most likely get the CPU up to 800mhz using water-cooling. I bet there is some way to expand the memory on the device. I know the router I have has a built in USB slot so expansion is possible.

Like I said I am not really looking to try this just more or less wondering if its possible.
Just curious, what would be the point of putting Android on a router?

I think the first obvious answer would be "just to see if it could be done."

Cisco just started releasing routers that operate in the cloud and have apps that you can download and install. It's slow and klunky, and a good idea, but a bad implementation. I'm wondering if loading Android on the router could make it a smoother implementation, plus open the way for some very creative apps being buiilt into the router.

I mean, my Touchpad is now a better experience because someone said, "what if..."
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