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"Android OS" cpu


Jul 18, 2011
I'm currently running official Vodafone UK 2.3.3 KG2 firmware on my Galaxy S.

Whilst I think this firmware is slightly better than previous versions I'm still seeing "Android OS" taking significant CPU

For example this morning my phone has only been on 1:53:11 but "android OS" is showing as 61% and consuming 00:18:22 CPU (other apps are down in the 2-3% range, and display is around 20% which is quite significant given minimal use!)

So what does "android OS" cover - I know arguably that't the OS, but how is this figure measured, how can I dig more into what aspects are taking the CPU in order to try to optimize it.

"Android System" in android system info shows a variety of packages taking resource - but I don't know if this does to make up the above "rollup" of CPU -- and would also want to log this data foir further analysis

There's a whole slew of other components in ASI but none consistentlt consuming cpu except the app itself!

Wifi sharing takes a little bit - but seems loads better than earlier fw, and it never measured at the moment in the summary cpu list
In that particular example mostly left alone (travelling to & being at work), though there's been the odd notification etc.

Interested in trying to find out what's using that cpu.. some is reasonable but it seemed significant.

Topping up the charge (to reset the figures) then going to repeat with wifi off.

CLearly there's a lot of apps and I really don't want to just remove/unconfigure anything -- tbh I think it was high from the off anyway. Am hoping for something more exploratory (am familar with telecoms, *nix, sw analysis/debug/tracem just new to android)
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