That's a good question Uknown_User, thanks.
Google certainly hasn't changed their stance on pre-screening apps, but I'm pretty sure they have added a larger staff to those they follow up on reports of malware. And I believe they investigate every single report in a pretty timely manner all things considered.
They may do some filtering for some types of know threats, but that is not something they would disclose to the public, so there is no way to confirm for sure.
I actually think that they probably do actually have some automated filtering either currently in use or planned as a soon to be used feature.
The reason I think this is based upon an educated guess by looking at some of their other products. For example, they have something called "Webmaster Tools" which is a set of web tools to help you have your website indexed by Google's search engine properly. In these tools they report to the webmasters if they are running out of date software and other similar "auto threat detection" mechanisms.
Finally, not to put down Verizon reps (they are not all created equal) but you should take what a in-store rep says about anything with a
HUGE grain of salt.
This is not to say they are stupid or have ulterior motives, but just that they are not necessarily knowledgeable on the subjects they are discussing. This is simply because it is not a function of their job. They work on commission, and their job is simply to sell phones. Having a vast amount of knowledge isn't required to sell a phone, so as a result, some reps will make claims on subjects they only have limited knowledge on.
I say this because I consider Android to be a fundamentally safe platform. I think it's safer than desktop computers, safer than the web in general and *nearly* as safe as a iPhone (with the differences being very small).
Pre-screening can help a little but it is less than people think. Quite a few malicious apps have made it into the iTunes App Store.
In my opinion, what really protects people is being conscious and educated as to their own security and privacy and being diligent in regards to what they install.