I am not sure why you went through all the trouble of finding old quotes from me. If anything, they demonstrate my consistency. However, initially and before I knew better, I was indeed annoyed with Rogers. Back then the memory of being 'promised' timely updates was still fresh in mind.
I have since learned that timely updates are rather non-existent with most carriers and phones. I had also learned that the struggle for updates is not exclusive with Rogers.
T-Mobile. French carrier SFR. They will apparently be getting 2.2.
It has not happened yet so this is moot.
And, for the record, I seem to recall that you, sconnelly, stated repeatedly and loudly in a previous thread that YOU didn't want to settle for 1.6.
Again, you demonstrate my consistency. At the early stages, I strongly felt that simply wanting 1.6 was short sighted; yes, I understand that it was expanded to 2.x later... but the point I have been making all along is that the Android phone should receive timely updates until its hardware is no longer supported. That is the pledge I wanted from anyone in authority!
I have now conceded that sort of pledge will never happen, with any phone, or any carrier.
Here's one where you want to record Rogers sales reps (you also say you believe Rogers reps are told to lie):
Yes, and so did a lot of others. I believe, including yourself.
However, I have now come to understand that it wasn't truly a lie, as much as it was simply misinformation or a misunderstanding. I do not believe Rogers specifically instructed their reps to tell a lie.
I was also highly skeptical that it would ever happen.
1. Rogers had HTC modify the OS, making it necessary for any future updates to require modification.
It was minor branding...there was no actually modification to the OS done (AFAIK).
Anyway, this is somewhat moot now b/c Rogers is planning to sell unmodified phones.
This is also moot because, even 'unmodified' phones are slow to receive OS updates... or never receive updates at all.
2. Rogers told customers that if they bought the phone it would be updated to 1.6.
Already covered above.
3. Rogers pressured HTC to update our phones after we complained loudly to Rogers and after HTC told us they would do nothing, and that it was Rogers who would have to request the update. Now unless Rogers and HTC are lying, (and unless you can PROVE they were lying) then as far as reality goes, that's the truth.
I am unsure what point you are trying to make here. This is all well understood and generally known as truth. However, the Sense UI was already planned as part of the 911 fix. This had nothing to do with any customer complaint but rather to protect Rogers from potential litigation.
sconnelly, I have a question for you. When the 2.1 update is released, will you update your Magic with the official Rogers update? If the answer is yes, just remember that it was our anger and vitriol aimed squarely at Rogers that resulted in that update.
You mean... if 2.1 update becomes available, right?
Let me just say, when it comes out, Rogers reasons for doing so are not solely based upon this group. There are a lot more customers (not associated with this or other websites) involved. That said, in no way do I mean to diminish your commendable effort.
But there are also commercial organizations that are, for various reasons, pressuring Rogers for timely updates. I can only speak for one of them... and their business alone is worth more than 200 residential customers.
Anyhow, in the end, we all want the same thing. That is simply, timely Android OS updates, as long as the hardware supports the update.
And by timely, I mean, within 2 months.... NOT 1 year later...or not at all.