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Android vs iPhone: How to win the argument

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I don't know about you, but i am constantly getting into the iPhone vs Android discussion and to me, there is no contest, but people are so effing blindly devoted to Apple and their iphone, they don't listen. Was just in NY and EVERYONE had an iPhone and didnt even know what an Android was. Here is my list, can you add? I am sure i am missing tons.

  • Widgets for all things including calendar, email, stocks, news, lists, Facebook, evernote, battery life, wireless, bluetooth, browser, music player video player, etc.
  • No itunes interface needed
  • No need to put in password every time you add an app
  • Can add apps via online market website and they upload to your phone
  • Menu button for many more options
  • Long click for many more options
  • Many more send options (email, SMS, Facebook, Skype, etc.)
  • Find function on page on browser
  • Don't have to have all apps on your home screen
  • Far superior map navigation with voice turn by turn
  • Google Places including the ability to customize your own businesses
  • Back button, in the same place everyone and can go back and back.
  • Can get a custom music app, not just itunes
  • All wireless updates
  • Search options for all components of phone and web and more
  • Search button on the phone, all the time
  • Long press for search for speech searching/commands
  • Customize (not just stock available): calendar, email account, keyboard, camera, gallery, browser, video player, textings, voicemail, and more..
  • Google syncing with contacts, browser searches, favorites
  • Notification bar
  • Speech commands for all things including navigation, email, text, calling anywhere, typing (on keyboard)
  • Can customize/change your home screen/launcher
  • All Google tools available and backed up automatically
  • Drag and drop to interface with computer (again, no ****ing iTunes)
  • Upgrade mini SD card
  • Mini HDMI cable
  • Can send attachments via email (can't do that on iPhone)
  • Removable and upgradeable battery
  • Can buy apps from a variety or markets
  • Flash
A lot of what you list as pros of Android others could see as cons.

Why do you have to "win" an "argument"? If people are happy with their iPhones, let them use their iPhones. I don't want anyone arguing with me and trying to "win" me away from Android. Let me use my Android phone. Live and let live.
At the end of the day, you will never win this argument so don't even try. If anyone tells you they have an iphone - simply smirk, think of a reason to leave as excuse yourself and quickly as you can without arousing too much suspicion.
I don't know about you, but i am constantly getting into the iPhone vs Android discussion and to me, there is no contest, but people are so effing blindly devoted to Apple and their iphone, they don't listen. Was just in NY and EVERYONE had an iPhone and didnt even know what an Android was. Here is my list, can you add? I am sure i am missing tons.

  • Widgets for all things including calendar, email, stocks, news, lists, Facebook, evernote, battery life, wireless, bluetooth, browser, music player video player, etc.
  • No itunes interface needed
  • No need to put in password every time you add an app
  • Can add apps via online market website and they upload to your phone
  • Menu button for many more options
  • Long click for many more options
  • Many more send options (email, SMS, Facebook, Skype, etc.)
  • Find function on page on browser
  • Don't have to have all apps on your home screen
  • Far superior map navigation with voice turn by turn
  • Google Places including the ability to customize your own businesses
  • Back button, in the same place everyone and can go back and back.
  • Can get a custom music app, not just itunes
  • All wireless updates
  • Search options for all components of phone and web and more
  • Search button on the phone, all the time
  • Long press for search for speech searching/commands
  • Customize (not just stock available): calendar, email account, keyboard, camera, gallery, browser, video player, textings, voicemail, and more..
  • Google syncing with contacts, browser searches, favorites
  • Notification bar
  • Speech commands for all things including navigation, email, text, calling anywhere, typing (on keyboard)
  • Can customize/change your home screen/launcher
  • All Google tools available and backed up automatically
  • Drag and drop to interface with computer (again, no ****ing iTunes)
  • Upgrade mini SD card
  • Mini HDMI cable
  • Can send attachments via email (can't do that on iPhone)
  • Removable and upgradeable battery
  • Can buy apps from a variety or markets
  • Flash

Obviously I love Android (or I wouldn't be here). But if these are the points your bring up in "debates"....its no wonder why you always are in discussions about this. So many things incorrect.....

You were in NY and all 10+ million people were carrying an iPhone? Odd....Statistics are important in debates, even more so when the debate is between savvy people.

More send options? This doesn't make sense.....Facebook is on both, email both, SMS both, Skype both, google+ both, twitter both, etc....

Search function? Have you used an iPhone? They have a search function as well and with ICS...there's no dedicated button now.

SD card.....hmm.....my Galaxy Nexus seems to missing one....

Wireless upgrades? Check iOS 5.0+

Notification panel? Check iOS 5.0+

Now that being said....of course I choose Android. But I choose it for personal preference, as some iPhone users choose for their personal reasons.

But if you are going to "argue" or "debate" with an iPhone user (especially a tech savvy one) please please please have more knowledge on the subject or you'll lose every time.
Each to their own. I prefer Android, but I can see why people would like iOS & iPhones. I work with an iFan and we've had numerous debates about the Pros and Cons of both. Ultimately, it always ends with something along the lines of "You like your device, I like mine".

Although I do admit working with him whilst he downloaded the iOS 5 update was was quite humorous. Smugly listening to him reel off features we've had since 1.6 gave me a great sense of satisfaction.
Obviously I love Android (or I wouldn't be here). But if these are the points your bring up in "debates"....its no wonder why you always are in discussions about this. So many things incorrect.....

You were in NY and all 10+ million people were carrying an iPhone? Odd....Statistics are important in debates, even more so when the debate is between savvy people.

More send options? This doesn't make sense.....Facebook is on both, email both, SMS both, Skype both, google+ both, twitter both, etc....

Search function? Have you used an iPhone? They have a search function as well and with ICS...there's no dedicated button now.

SD card.....hmm.....my Galaxy Nexus seems to missing one....

Wireless upgrades? Check iOS 5.0+

Notification panel? Check iOS 5.0+

Now that being said....of course I choose Android. But I choose it for personal preference, as some iPhone users choose for their personal reasons.

But if you are going to "argue" or "debate" with an iPhone user (especially a tech savvy one) please please please have more knowledge on the subject or you'll lose every time.

Herumph. Are you really criticizing the fact that I said "everyone"? Have you not heard that term before as a general figure of speech for a "rather large amount".

And i don't think most of what i said is untrue and most of the time it HAS won arguments with iPhone users.

When was the last time you saw an iPhone and the send options vs Android. Check it out on both and then get back (refer to your quote about having more knowledge before getting into a debate).

The notifications panel DOES exist for the latest iOS but it is a pale comparison. Most Androids have SD while non of the iPhone do.

I know you meant well, but your post contributed very little to this discussion.
Some other things you missed off

*) The excitement of wondering if the app you paid for will download
*) The excitement of wondering if the app you paid for will run

I have no dog in this race as we support both platforms. But there is nothing special about Android that isn't undermined by it's other weaknesses. I think iPhone is pretty damned good tbh.
Live and let live, you are correct. Being a recovering iPhone user, I want to "save" people from the frustrations i had with it. When I experienced my first Android, it was like salvation.

I know i should be less combative about it, but it comes from a place of love. :)
I have never had an experience that an app did not run or download. I have seen with clients on the iPhone that it just sat there waiting while that little red blip sat there limply. Never with the Android, in fact, it's faster and i dont have put in my password every single time.
Herumph. Are you really criticizing the fact that I said "everyone"? Have you not heard that term before as a general figure of speech for a "rather large amount".

And i don't think most of what i said is untrue and most of the time it HAS won arguments with iPhone users.

When was the last time you saw an iPhone and the send options vs Android. Check it out on both and then get back (refer to your quote about having more knowledge before getting into a debate).

The notifications panel DOES exist for the latest iOS but it is a pale comparison. Most Androids have SD while non of the iPhone do.

I know you meant well, but your post contributed very little to this discussion.

I don't believe there was any malice in his post, I know things can be taken the wrong way when written as opposed to spoken and the iOS Vs Android debates can get rather heated. Lets get back On Topic before this turns nasty though ;).

Did you mention about having those since donut?

I just let him be, he was so excited, I let him have that one.
I suggest that you spend more time enjoying what you like, and less worrying about other people. Life's too short, and smartphones are like women and cars.... everyone has their own personal preference. :)

We've had numerous similar topics to this over the past 2+ years and everyone of them ended the same way.... badly.
The argument cannot be won.

It is based on a false premise.

There is no perfect phone.

There is no better phone.

There is only the phone that is either perfect or better for a given individual at a given point in time.

When you tell me how to prove that lobster tastes better than king crab, or vice versa, and everyone should only eat that one choice, I will tell you how to win your argument.

I prefer Android's strengths and only slightly annoyed at its weaknesses as compared to an iPhone.

But that's me.

Competition is a good thing. I have a favorite football team. It's not the same as one of my best friends. I enjoy my team. We can argue about quarterbacks but we don't expect to change each other's minds or to really win. Both teams are in the NFL.

Both iPhone and Android are in the same league.

Our team has been a winning streak and there's a reason for that.

So rather than try to prove that crab tastes better to everyone, or try to prove that the NFL ought have only one team, or that Android is so superior that it's the only logical choice, why not simply say that Android is winning marketshare while the iPhone is losing marketshare, and that next time, they should try an Android out and see if they change their mind or not.

And if they don't, my advice is to argue about quarterbacks.

Hope this helps! :)
I am the originator of this thread and I must say how impressed I am with the maturity of the responses and how "Zen" people are about the whole thing. It's allowed me to realize how irrational my connection is to this debate and live a bit more peacefully with the android/iphone thing. (even though i still stand strongly by very, very awesome phone)

Thanks Android Community!
Glad you found the answer! :)

Would you like to have the thread locked? I'm wondering if you want more people chiming in on this or not? Your call, let us know. :)
I don't know about you, but i am constantly getting into the iPhone vs Android discussion and to me, there is no contest, but people are so effing blindly devoted to Apple and their iphone, they don't listen. Was just in NY and EVERYONE had an iPhone and didnt even know what an Android was. Here is my list, can you add? I am sure i am missing tons.

  • Widgets for all things including calendar, email, stocks, news, lists, Facebook, evernote, battery life, wireless, bluetooth, browser, music player video player, etc.
  • No itunes interface needed
  • No need to put in password every time you add an app
  • Can add apps via online market website and they upload to your phone
  • Menu button for many more options
  • Long click for many more options
  • Many more send options (email, SMS, Facebook, Skype, etc.)
  • Find function on page on browser
  • Don't have to have all apps on your home screen
  • Far superior map navigation with voice turn by turn
  • Google Places including the ability to customize your own businesses
  • Back button, in the same place everyone and can go back and back.
  • Can get a custom music app, not just itunes
  • All wireless updates
  • Search options for all components of phone and web and more
  • Search button on the phone, all the time
  • Long press for search for speech searching/commands
  • Customize (not just stock available): calendar, email account, keyboard, camera, gallery, browser, video player, textings, voicemail, and more..
  • Google syncing with contacts, browser searches, favorites
  • Notification bar
  • Speech commands for all things including navigation, email, text, calling anywhere, typing (on keyboard)
  • Can customize/change your home screen/launcher
  • All Google tools available and backed up automatically
  • Drag and drop to interface with computer (again, no ****ing iTunes)
  • Upgrade mini SD card
  • Mini HDMI cable
  • Can send attachments via email (can't do that on iPhone)
  • Removable and upgradeable battery
  • Can buy apps from a variety or markets
  • Flash

I can do almost everything on your list.
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