I don't know about you, but i am constantly getting into the iPhone vs Android discussion and to me, there is no contest, but people are so effing blindly devoted to Apple and their iphone, they don't listen. Was just in NY and EVERYONE had an iPhone and didnt even know what an Android was. Here is my list, can you add? I am sure i am missing tons.
- Widgets for all things including calendar, email, stocks, news, lists, Facebook, evernote, battery life, wireless, bluetooth, browser, music player video player, etc.
- No itunes interface needed
- No need to put in password every time you add an app
- Can add apps via online market website and they upload to your phone
- Menu button for many more options
- Long click for many more options
- Many more send options (email, SMS, Facebook, Skype, etc.)
- Find function on page on browser
- Don't have to have all apps on your home screen
- Far superior map navigation with voice turn by turn
- Google Places including the ability to customize your own businesses
- Back button, in the same place everyone and can go back and back.
- Can get a custom music app, not just itunes
- All wireless updates
- Search options for all components of phone and web and more
- Search button on the phone, all the time
- Long press for search for speech searching/commands
- Customize (not just stock available): calendar, email account, keyboard, camera, gallery, browser, video player, textings, voicemail, and more..
- Google syncing with contacts, browser searches, favorites
- Notification bar
- Speech commands for all things including navigation, email, text, calling anywhere, typing (on keyboard)
- Can customize/change your home screen/launcher
- All Google tools available and backed up automatically
- Drag and drop to interface with computer (again, no ****ing iTunes)
- Upgrade mini SD card
- Mini HDMI cable
- Can send attachments via email (can't do that on iPhone)
- Removable and upgradeable battery
- Can buy apps from a variety or markets
- Flash